traian feat. fewpilz - zanele - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни traian feat. fewpilz - zanele

Am gheata pe incheietura
I've got ice on my wrist
Si la propriu si la figurat
Both literally and figuratively
Diamante ca-s bogat
Diamonds 'cause I'm rich
Si gheata pentru ca-s taiat
And ice because I'm cutthroat
Am o armata spirituala
I have a spiritual army
Gata de atac
Ready to attack
Lucrez invizibil
I work invisibly
Sunt un boss adevarat
I'm a real boss
Tu bagi doar vrajeala
You're all talk, girl
Esti un fals gen wtf
You're a fake like wtf
Esti un mincinos iar
You're a liar again
Eu cam tot ce cand cam fac
And I'm pretty much everything I do
Ma duce capu fac un dusman sa-mi aduca succes
My mind's sharp, I make an enemy bring me success
Dau oversmart tuturor se intampla prea des
I outsmart everyone, it happens too often
Vin dupa alta planeta-s extraterestru levitez
I come from another planet, I'm an extraterrestrial, I levitate
S-a sinucis o fana pentru ca n-o urmaresc
A fan killed herself because I don't follow her back
Ba, ia fa pasi de aicia ca te vad ca aberezi
Yo, step back, girl, I see you're rambling
Asta-i doar un freestyle eu nu tre sa ma stresez
This is just a freestyle, I don't have to stress
Stric beatul ii bag distorsie il defatez
I break the beat, I distort it, I defeat it
Mi-a intrat in vena muzica nu tre sa mai gandesc
Music's in my veins, I don't have to think anymore
Shut the fuck up esti clown stai down sunt un pic rau
Shut the fuck up, you're a clown, stay down, I'm a little mean
Fuck a dead bitch cu sensu de memerau
Fuck a dead bitch with a sense of humor, always
Zici ca faci beep beep beep beep, cam dai inapoi
You say you're making beep beep beep beep, you're kind of backing up
Traian locu unu si tot eu sunt locul doi
Traian's number one and I'm also number two
Haide vreau sa te vad cum incerci sa ma intreci, nu-ti iese
Come on, I want to see you try to surpass me, you can't
Vorbesti caca pe beat si pe-alea le numesti tu piese
You talk crap on the beat and you call those songs
Stai jos cutu, uite aicia, ez, castig
Sit down, puppy, look here, easy, I win
Fara efort, talent pur, omg, am innebunit
Effortless, pure talent, omg, I've gone crazy
Gone girl, chiar asa fac unele
Gone girl, that's really how some girls do
Fac inmultiri cu banii tu nu faci nici sumele
I multiply money, you can't even add
Vrei sa fii underground ma ocup eu de te papa ramele
You want to be underground, I'll make sure the worms eat you up
Stau in natura, smoking salvia cu zanele
I'm in nature, smoking salvia with the fairies

Авторы: Traian Talent

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