traian - adanc - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни traian - adanc

Vreau sa nu mai simt nimic
I want to feel nothing anymore
Programe in creier de mic
Programs in my brain since I was young
Se intampla des sa fiu down
It happens often that I'm down
Da' nu vreau sa ma ridic
But I don't want to get up
Te dezamagesc, n-am vrut
I disappoint you, I didn't mean to
Lasa-ma sa fiu pierdut
Let me be lost
Nu vreau sa ma gasesti
I don't want you to find me
E prea tarziu sa ma salvezi
It's too late to save me
Realitatea asta doare
This reality hurts
Si tre ma distrag de la aceasta stare
And I distract myself from this state
Cu ceva ce doare si mai tare, infometare
With something that hurts even more, starvation
Chiar ma simt inchis intr-o bucata imensa de carne
I really feel trapped in a huge piece of meat
Am nevoie de o evadare
I need an escape
Suferinta e adanca in sufletul meu
The suffering is deep in my soul
Am pe incheietura rauri le fac un defileu
I make rivers a gorge on my wrist
Pistolul meu e timid, da' lama are tupeu
My gun is shy, but the blade is bold
Daca ploua cu sange, nu-i niciun curcubeu
If it rains blood, there's no rainbow
Speranta mea e moarta de mult
My hope has been dead for a long time
A ta va muri curand
Yours will die soon
Depresonalizare, cine sunt
Depersonalization, who am I
Mereu ma aud in gand, da' sunt tacut
I always hear myself in my thoughts, but I'm silent
Daca ma simti, haide in cult
If you feel me, come into the cult
Sange solid pe jos, statut
Solid blood on the ground, status
Daca ma injunghii-n inima mea impietrita
If you stab me in my hardened heart
O sa te ascut
I will sharpen you
Sufletul de gheata imi formeaza un scut
My ice-cold soul forms a shield
Ma intreaba daca sunt okay, da' nuj ce sa-i raspund
She asks me if I'm okay, but I don't know what to answer her
Eu sunt rau, sunt evil, de-aia mainile reci
I'm bad, I'm evil, that's why my hands are cold
Si se racesc instant, chiar daca le incalzesti
And they instantly get cold, even if you warm them
Sunt atat de confuz, mi se schimba starea
I'm so confused, my mood changes
Vad numa' alb negru, a disparut culoarea
I only see black and white, the color has disappeared
Uita-te-n ochii mei, spune-mi daca vezi viata
Look into my eyes, tell me if you see life
M-am intalnit cu moartea si i-am luat eu coasa
I met death and I took her scythe
Suferinta e adanca in sufletul meu
The suffering is deep in my soul
Am pe incheietura rauri le fac un defileu
I make rivers a gorge on my wrist
Pistolul meu e timid, da' lama are tupeu
My gun is shy, but the blade is bold
Daca ploua cu sange, nu-i niciun curcubeu
If it rains blood, there's no rainbow
Speranta mea e moarta de mult
My hope has been dead for a long time
A ta va muri curand
Yours will die soon
Depresonalizare, cine sunt
Depersonalization, who am I
Mereu ma aud in gand, da' sunt tacut
I always hear myself in my thoughts, but I'm silent
Daca ma simti, haide in cult
If you feel me, come into the cult
Sange solid pe jos, statut
Solid blood on the ground, status
Daca ma injunghii-n inima mea impietrita
If you stab me in my hardened heart
O sa te ascut
I will sharpen you

Авторы: Traian Talent

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