traian feat. GNOC - furia din vene - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни traian feat. GNOC - furia din vene

furia din vene
Fury in my veins
Fa-ma un ciudat
Call me a freak, girl
Hai fa-ma un dubios
Yeah, call me shady
Stiu ca nu ma stii
I know you don't know me
Nici eu nu ma cunosc
I don't know myself either
Dar sunt sigur ca sunt geniu
But I'm sure I'm a genius
De-aia-s sus si tu esti jos
That's why I'm up here and you're down there
Dar in ultimul timp
But lately
M-am simtit atat de lost
I've been feeling so lost
Nici nu-mi pot controla emotiile
I can't even control my emotions
Nu sunt atent si trec prea repede zilele
I'm not paying attention and the days are passing by too fast
Si sunt periculos
And I'm dangerous
Imi pare rau, sunt impulsiv
I'm sorry, I'm impulsive
Viata-i ca un film
Life is like a movie
Si sunt personajul negativ
And I'm the villain
Du-durerea te face sa simti
Pain makes you feel, girl
Nu sunt schizo dar sunt singurul real
I'm not schizophrenic but I'm the only one who's real
Am aripile negre dar pot zbura
I have black wings but I can fly
Peste tot fara nici o problema
Everywhere without any problem
Cand ii vad, trag
When I see them, I shoot
Mi-a ramas furia in vena
The fury remains in my veins
Astia se fac ca ma cunosc
These people pretend to know me
Tot ce e in juru meu e alb
Everything around me is white
Vad lumina coaie stiu ca o sa mor
I see the light, man, I know I'm gonna die
Am pistolu incarcat
I have a loaded gun
Imi vad sufletu se duce pana la cer
I see my soul going up to heaven
Toata camera mea e rosie
My whole room is red
Plina de sange
Covered in blood
Sunt asa sus, nu inteleg ce se intampla-n capu meu
I'm so high, I don't understand what's happening in my head
Nu mai stiu cum e fericirea de asa mult timp, e greu
I haven't known what happiness is like for so long, it's hard
Sunt nervos, nu mai simt, nu mai simt nimi, e asa greu
I'm angry, I can't feel, I can't feel anything, it's so hard
Nu mai vreau sa fiu eu
I don't want to be me anymore
Nici nu-mi pot controla emotiile
I can't even control my emotions
Nu sunt atent si trec prea repede zilele
I'm not paying attention and the days are passing by too fast
Si sunt periculos
And I'm dangerous
Imi pare rau, sunt impulsiv
I'm sorry, I'm impulsive
Viata-i ca un film
Life is like a movie
Si sunt personajul negativ
And I'm the villain

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