traian feat. GNOC - caleidoscop - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни traian feat. GNOC - caleidoscop

Lumânare neagră în ghiozdan, o țin de back-up
Black candle in my backpack, I keep it for back-up
Pentru am cel mai malefic plan, fac teancuri, stack-up
Because I have the most malicious plan, making stacks, stack-up
Sunt doi lupi în interiorul tău și amândoi sunt morți
There are two wolves inside you and they are both dead
E bine faci rău celor care îți fac rău că-s idioți
It's good to hurt those who hurt you, because they're idiots
Poate e bine scapi universul de jeg, gen facem curat
Maybe it's good to rid the universe of filth, like we're cleaning up
Dar cine suntem noi judecăm cine merită de fapt
But who are we to judge who actually deserves it
Avem puterea de a ucide, de ce n-o folosim
We have the power to kill, why not use it
Pe cei care au încălcat și ei o poruncă divină
On those who have also broken a divine commandment
Atâta timp de când am numa' crime în gând
So long since I've only had murder on my mind
Și dacă nu iau măsuri, nu se va opri curând
And if I don't take action, it won't stop soon
Ăștia nu cunosc, de-aia n-au idee ce pot
These people don't know me, that's why they have no idea what I'm capable of
Le iau craniul, îl găuresc, uit prin el, caleidoscop
I'll take their skull, pierce it, look through it, kaleidoscope
Atâta timp de când am numa' crime în gând
So long since I've only had murder on my mind
Și dacă nu iau măsuri, nu se va opri curând
And if I don't take action, it won't stop soon
Ăștia nu cunosc, de-aia n-au idee ce pot
These people don't know me, that's why they have no idea what I'm capable of
Le iau craniul, îl găuresc, uit prin el, caleidoscop
I'll take their skull, pierce it, look through it, kaleidoscope

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