twenty4-7 - FREEDOM ~MIKA solo~ - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни twenty4-7 - FREEDOM ~MIKA solo~

型に捕らわれ求めるFREEDOM からっぽのまま駆け出す日々さ
Trapped in the mold, I seek FREEDOM, Empty, I run out day after day
違和感感じながらの意味は そう 揺るがす事なく賭けるPLAYER
Feeling the違和感, the meaning is, yes, to bet as a PLAYER without shaking
批判与えた野良犬どもが 尻尾振って寄って来るだろうが
The stray dogs I criticized will come wagging their tails
甘えるな 努力惜しむな そこに生まれる絆 必ずいつか咲く
Don't be complacent, don't spare your efforts, the bond born there will surely blossom someday
人のせいじゃなく自分のせい そこから幾度と繋がれば成長
Not someone else's fault but my own, from there, connection leads to growth over and over again
長方形と無限の頂上 どっちで生きるかの為の行動
A rectangle and an infinite peak, which one do you live for?
求められる決断力 そして行動力 今生み出す悉く
The decisive power that is demanded, and the power of action, which I create now
巻いた種の華開く時 同時に怯む程心解く...
When the seeds I sow bloom, I will open my heart enough to be frightened...
心得・弱味を賭けて来た ここで羽ばたけ言葉とFREEDOM
With my knowledge and weaknesses at stake, I will spread my wings with words and FREEDOM
さかのぼる足音さえ今 機会巧みに操るFREEDOM
Even the sound of footsteps going backwards, I skillfully manipulate FREEDOM opportunely
一体何の為に生きてるの? よく耳にする知ってるword
What on earth am I living for? I often hear that familiar word
幼き頃理解なし 葛藤しながらも自分なりに賛同
As a child, I didn't understand, but while struggling, I agreed in my own way
日は昇り沈み そして雑踏に塗れる日々が来ては解答
Days rise and set, and the time comes when I am covered in the hustle and bustle
繰り返し彷徨う旅人 脅える事など無用な商人
A traveler who wanders repeatedly, a merchant who knows no fear
だけどall day (されどall day) 賭けのall day (からのall day)
But all day (yet all day), a bet all day (from all day)
辞書の言葉の意味の方へ導かれる 探す 知る為go way
Led by the meaning of dictionary words, searching, knowing, go way
隣の芝生は青く見える ならば更に学び得る光れる
The grass looks greener on the other side, so I can learn more and shine
才能ナシ 取柄ナシ 美はナシだから 這い上がって来たどん底から...
No talent, no good points, no beauty, so I crawled up from the bottom...
心得・弱味を賭けて来た ここで羽ばたけ言葉とFREEDOM
With my knowledge and weaknesses at stake, I will spread my wings with words and FREEDOM
さかのぼる足音さえ今 機会巧みに操るFREEDOM
Even the sound of footsteps going backwards, I skillfully manipulate FREEDOM opportunely
いつも傍にあった left or rightか その結果この道選んだ
I've always had left or right, and as a result, I've chosen this path
My style伸ばし一度解体 そして繋げるもう一度my style
Extending my style once, dismantling it, and then reconnecting it with my style
自分信じeveryday それしか出来んでもええって
Believing in myself everyday, even if that's all I can do
答え見つけたなら それがmy colorになるから...
If I find the answer, that will become my color...
心得・弱味を賭けてFREEDOM ×2 ここで羽ばたけWINNER ×2
With my knowledge and weaknesses at stake, FREEDOM ×2 I will spread my wings as a WINNER ×2
奇跡でしかない今にフィーバー 四六時中動かない危機感
In this moment that is nothing short of a miracle, a constant sense of crisis
Downあってのup out side leftありゃ存在するright
There is a down for every up, and there is a right for every out side left
マイクを放さない理由ここにある 必ず届ける いつか... We are ONE
The reason I won't let go of the microphone is here, I will surely deliver, someday... We are ONE
心得・弱味を賭けて来た ここで羽ばたけ言葉とFREEDOM
With my knowledge and weaknesses at stake, I will spread my wings with words and FREEDOM
さかのぼる足音さえ今 機会巧みに操るFREEDOM
Even the sound of footsteps going backwards, I skillfully manipulate FREEDOM opportunely

Авторы: Mika, Tazz

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