twenty4-7 - 愛の色 - Orchestra ver. - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни twenty4-7 - 愛の色 - Orchestra ver.

愛の色 - Orchestra ver.
Color of Love - Orchestra ver.
あれはたった1つの淡い愛の色 あの時 あの場所でしか感じ取れない
That was the only faint color of love that I could feel only at that time and in that place
微かに流れる時間 今は別々の道を歩き 今を生きているから...
Time flows gently. Now we walk on separate paths and live in the present...
どうしても辛くなった時想い出してた 貴方と歩いたあの日々を
When things get tough, I remember the days I walked with you
たくさんの愛くれた事 人生の1ページに 確かに飾られている
You gave me a lot of love, which is certainly a part of my life story
It is certainly engraved...
君と共に過ごした間に 一体どれくらいの事が出来ただろう
During the time we spent together, I wonder how many things we could have done
何年経ってもずっと記憶の傍にいる 変わらない何かがここにある
Even after many years, your memories are still with me. There is something unchanging here
元気ですか? 私は今、幸せです
I hope you are well. I am happy now.
貴方を想い続け必死になってたあの頃 今も忘れない真心
Back then, I desperately missed you and never forgot my true feelings
可愛いかったなって緩む頬とそう 繊細に流れる穏やかな映像
My cheeks relax and soften when I think about how cute you were, and so the gentle images flow delicately
あの場所に行っては想い出し 想い出しては後悔が過ぎりまた振り出し
I would go to that place and remember, and remember, and regret, and start over again
あの選択は正しかったのかって 何度も自分に問いかけたって...
I wondered many times if that choice was right...
やがてまたあの場所に行ってみた 二人の想い出の場所に行ってみた
Sooner or later, I went back to that place, the place of our memories
そこに芽生え ふと過ぎった愛の色があった
There, I saw the color of our love, which had sprouted and passed by
小さいけど 大きな確かな愛の色
It was small, but it was a big and certain color of love
故郷はその場所ではなくて 貴方だった事に気づいたんだって
I realized that my hometown was not a place, but you
そして今は違う愛の色に変わり 違う誰かを愛している
And now it has changed to a different color of love, and I love someone else
別々の道を歩んでいる... から...
We are on different paths... because...
君と共に過ごした間に 一体どれくらいの事が出来ただろう
During the time we spent together, I wonder how many things we could have done
何年経ってもずっと記憶の傍にいる 変わらない何かがここにある
Even after many years, your memories are still with me. There is something unchanging here
元気ですか? 私は今、幸せです
I hope you are well. I am happy now.
手を離したあの日に 互いに誓った固い願い それも深い温かい愛
The day we parted ways, we swore a deep and warm love to each other. It was a strong wish
どうか幸せであるように 互いの事を祈り 離れたあの日の約束のように
May we be happy. Let us pray for each other, as we promised that day
今はその通り 幸せな毎日を...
Now it is true, I am happy every day...
君と共に過ごした間に 一体どれくらいの事が出来ただろう
During the time we spent together, I wonder how many things we could have done
何年経ってもずっと記憶の傍にいる 変わらない何かがここにある
Even after many years, your memories are still with me. There is something unchanging here
君と共に過ごした間に 一体どれくらいの事が出来ただろう
During the time we spent together, I wonder how many things we could have done
何年経ってもずっと記憶の傍にいる 変わらない何かがここにある
Even after many years, your memories are still with me. There is something unchanging here
元気ですか? 私は今、幸せです
I hope you are well. I am happy now.

Авторы: aili, mika, me, Aili

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