Wk - Otro Plano - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Wk - Otro Plano

Otro Plano
Another Plane
Letra de "Otro Plano"
Lyrics for "Another Plane"
1, 2, 3, no?
1, 2, 3, right?
Yo te puedo envenenar
I can poison you
Si quieres me puedes curar
If you want you can heal me
Aunque no creas
Even if you don't believe it
Con tu mirar, con tu pensar, con no verme mas
With your gaze, with your thoughts, with your distance
Aunque no quieras
Even if you don't want to
Porque no te quiero lastimar
Because I don't want to hurt you
Ya se que solo se vive una vez
I know that you only live once
Por eso no quiero nada de estrés
That's why I don't want any stress
Mi ahorro del retiro me lo gasté en un mes
I spent my retirement savings in a month
Hasta parezco un turista en todo Mex
I even look like a tourist all over Mexico
Mi morra no cree que no tengo ex
My girl doesn't believe that I don't have any exes
Si tu me quieres eso es todo lo que es
If you love me that's all there is
Para este disco no invente me reinvente
For this album I didn't come up with anything I reinvented myself
Un nuevo doble v de v a v vas a ver mama
You're going to see a new double-v from v to v, baby
Ya voy por un mes sin cigarros
I've been without a cigarette for a month now
Un mes mas y salí para el carro
One more month and I've got the cash for a car
Francis Coppola mis hermanos
Francis Coppola my brothers
El truco mas difícil con cigarros es ignorarlos
The hardest trick with cigarettes is to ignore them
Mi obra destaca, me puso en el mapa
My work stands out, it put me on the map
Pero sigo perdido estoy haciendo trampa
But I'm still lost I'm cheating
No que no me matas
No You're not killing me
Me encontré en un espejismo
I found myself in a mirage
Y se dio cuenta que lo hago yo mismo
And I realized that I do it to myself
Yo te puedo envenenar
I can poison you
Si quieres me puedes curar
If you want you can heal me
Aunque no creas
Even if you don't believe it
Con tu mirar, con tu pensar, con no verme mas
With your gaze, with your thoughts, with your distance
Aunque no quieras
Even if you don't want to
Porque no te quiero lastimar
Because I don't want to hurt you
No espero que lo aprecien
I don't expect them to appreciate it
Se quejan y se quejan pero poco entienden
They complain and complain but they understand little
No me voy por lo que venden
I don't go for what they sell
Me voy por lo que me hace ser alguien mas decente
I go for what makes me be someone more decent
Piensan que solo vivo el momento, pero lo siento
They think I only live in the moment, but I'm sorry
Tiro una colilla al viento y seguí su movimiento
I throw a butt in the wind and follow its movement
Claro me intimida la critica
Of course criticism intimidates me
Pero hacer caso a las masas no es mi meta física
But paying attention to the masses is not my physical goal
De plano estoy en otro plano
I'm definitely on another plane
Comiendo de mi mano
Eating from my own hand
Huyendo de lo sano
Running away from the healthy
No voy a contentarlo, me sigo alejando
I'm not going to please him, I keep moving away
No lo hago en vano porque entiendo lo que gano
I don't do it in vain because I understand what I gain
Aunque lo dicen, cuida tus raices
Although they say it, take care of your roots
Las aprecie y las quise pero quieren que aterrice
I appreciated them and loved them but they want me to land
Ya lo he escuchado "no traiciones tu pasado"
I've already heard it "don't betray your past"
Pero esas raíces me quieren enterrado y no puedo estarlo
But those roots want me buried and I can't be
Yo te puedo envenenar
I can poison you
Si quieres me puedes curar
If you want you can heal me
Aunque no creas
Even if you don't believe it
Con tu mirar, con tu pensar, con no verme mas
With your gaze, with your thoughts, with your distance
Aunque no quieras
Even if you don't want to
Porque no te quiero lastimar
Because I don't want to hurt you
Ya tuve show con
I already had a show with
Entonces solo tenia un pie metido en esto
Then I only had one foot in this
Pero ahora ves que me voy a hundir con el barco
But now you see that I'm going to sink with the ship
Ahora van los dos pies
Now both feet go
Antes no daba tanto imagínate después
Before I didn't give so much imagine afterwards
Con más fe y más huevos tambien
With more faith and more balls too
Queriendo ser alguien pude olvidarme
Wanting to be someone I could forget
Quise jugar un papel interpretando la ley
I wanted to play a role interpreting the law
No podría perdonarme así que lo deje
I couldn't forgive myself so I left it
Quiero morir de viejo no de joven como lo planee
I want to die an old man not young as I planned
Así llegamos, así nos vamos
That's how we arrive, that's how we leave
Vivimos suficiente, también la cagamos
We live enough, we also mess up
Morimos diariamente nadie nos ha enseñado
We die daily no one has taught us
Y agarramos diente cuando ya no queremos bocado
And we bite when we don't want a bite anymore
Pedimos prestado, todo lo hemos gastado
We borrow, we have spent everything
Pagamos caro errores del pasado
We pay dearly for the mistakes of the past
De cero empezamos
We start from scratch
Pues todo lo damos
Well we give everything
Y así de nuevo comenzamos
And so we start again
Yo te puedo envenenar
I can poison you
Si quieres me puedes curar
If you want you can heal me
Aunque no creas
Even if you don't believe it
Con tu mirar, con tu pensar, con no verme mas
With your gaze, with your thoughts, with your distance
Aunque no quieras
Even if you don't want to
Porque no te quiero lastimar
Because I don't want to hurt you
Produced By WK
Produced By WK
Written By WK
Written By WK

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