yozuca* - Daybreak for Me - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский yozuca* - Daybreak for Me

Daybreak for Me
Daybreak for Me
むき出しの心に刻む 魂の叫ぶ声
Engrave your bare heart with the voice of your soul crying
Stand up! そう今この足で 二度と諦めたくない
Stand up! So, right now with this foot, I don't want to give up ever again
塗り重ねた翼が はがれ落ちないように
So that my painted-over wings won't fall off
不器用に歪む 鏡の微笑
My distorted smile in the mirror is clumsy
It's not a dream that someone showed me
The warmth and light that I used to feel, I wept as I wanted to bring them back
むき出しの心に刻む 魂の叫ぷ声
Engrave your bare heart with the voice of your soul crying
Stand up! そう今この足で 決して諦めない
Stand up! So, right now with this foot, I'll never give up
ひどく脆く見えてた 大地に立つ夜明け
The dawn that was standing on the ground looked terribly fragile
Tumbling down? もう幻に 惑わされたりしないと
Tumbling down? I will no longer be confused by illusions
A reborn vow
口先の強がりと 裏腹のもどかしさ
Defiant words and an impatience that goes against them
動かない風を 待つのはやめた
I stopped waiting for the wind that won't blow
胸の痛み 脈を打って
The pain in my chest beats
渇きさえも熱に 変えられることを知るよ
I'm learning that even thirst can turn into a passion
何を試されているのか 何を確かめたいのか
What am I being tested with? What do I want to prove?
Believe truth今明けてゆく わたしという未来
Believe truth now the future I call 'I' is breaking through
迷い嘆く地平に 光の輪郭が
The outline of light appears on the horizon where I wandered and grieved
I will go さぁ踏み出して 新しい歓びへと
I will go. Come on, step forward into new joy
I won't hesitate
It's not someone else's fault
選びながら人は 行くべき自分を生きる
As we make choices, we live the selves we should be
むき出しの心に刻む 魂の叫ぶ声
Engrave your bare heart with the voice of your soul crying
Stand up! そう今この足で 決して諦めない
Stand up! So, right now with this foot, I'll never give up
ひどく脆く見えてた 大地を歩いてる
I'm walking on the ground that looked terribly fragile
Tumbling down? もう幻に 惑わされたりしないよ
Tumbling down? I will no longer be confused by illusions
Daybreak for me
Daybreak for me

Авторы: Kodama Saori, Shimizu (pka Tatsh) Tatsuya

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