Đorđe Balašević - Protina kći (Live) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Đorđe Balašević - Protina kći (Live)

Protina kći (Live)
Protina kći (Live)
Još sam bio sasvim mlad
I was still quite young
Neke barske ptice sam lovio tad
I was hunting some bar birds then
Kad je došla da se kupa
When she came to bathe
Lepa protina kći
The beautiful daughter of the mayor
Nije znala gde sam ja
She didn't know where I was
Da je gledam krišom kroz trsku i šaš
That I was watching her secretly through the reeds and rushes
A preko reke noć je pala
And night had fallen across the river
Kao plašt
Like a cloak
Mesec tinja nad vrbakom
The moon flickers over the willow
Srebri nebom zvezda roj
A swarm of stars in the silver sky
A kapi vode kao biseri
And the water droplets like pearls
Koji blistaju svud po njoj
Which shine all over her
O', srce ludo, ludi sni
O', crazy heart, crazy dreams
Već se moji drugovi momčili svi
My friends have already gotten married
A ja sam hteo samo jednu
But I only wanted one
Lepu protinu kći
The beautiful daughter of the mayor
Čudnom pesmom zvoni drum
The road rings with a strange song
Te su zime svatovi došli po nju
The wedding guests have come from afar for her
Izdaleka, neki svet
A distant land
Za mene tuđ
Alien to me
I baš sam prošao sokakom
And I just happened to be walking down the street
Padao je prvi sneg
The first snow was falling
I još ponekad zazvone praporci
And sometimes the banners still ring
Što je odnose, ko zna gde
Carrying her away, who knows where
Da se ženim, imam kad
I'll get married when I have time
Ja sam, eto, ostao momak do sad
I've stayed a bachelor up to now
I nikad više nisam sreo
And I've never seen again
Lepu protinu kći
The beautiful daughter of the mayor
Jedan život - miran, tih
A life - peaceful, quiet
Nekad bacim kartu il' napišem stih
Sometimes I play cards or write a poem
Stvari teku
Things flow
Ja se držim izvan njih
I stay out of their way
I ljubim dobre, ljubim lake
And I love the good ones, I love the easy ones
Neke prave, a neke ne
Some real, and some not
I sve su vile, ma, sve su kraljice
And they're all fairies, yes, they're all queens
I sve su nevažne, naspram nje
And they're all insignificant, compared to her

Авторы: đorđe Balašević

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