Đorđe Balašević - Eleonora (Na Bogojavljensku noc - Live) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Đorđe Balašević - Eleonora (Na Bogojavljensku noc - Live)

Eleonora (Na Bogojavljensku noc - Live)
Eleonora (On Epiphany Night - Live)
Na bogojavljensku noæ...
On Epiphany night...
Peku se kesteni, lome se pogaèe, a venac smokava i praporci se pokaèe
Chestnuts are roasting, bread loaves are broken, a wreath of figs and banners will be revealed
U prednjoj sobi moga baæe... To je veæ navike moæ
In the front room of my grandfather... This is already my habit
Bez slova poziva, drutvo se sastalo pod istom ikonom,
Without a word of invitation, the company has gathered under the same icon,
Za crnim vapskim astalom to pamti svadbe i daæe
At the black lime table that remembers weddings and funerals
Redak sam gost u starom kraju...
I am a rare guest in my old neighborhood...
Al' znam ta misle, i u snu
But I know those thoughts, in my sleep
I oni mene kanda znaju... Jer èak ni pripiti ni da mi pomenu nju
And it seems like they know me too... Because if they toasted neither to me, nor mentioned her
Èudna je zverèica strast...
Passion is a strange little beast...
Od one ljubavi, zbog glupe svaðice...
From that love, because of a silly quarrel...
U buri æutanja potonule su laðice
In silence, the rowing boats sank
I minus na kraju salda?
And a minus at the end of the balance?
Dal' grom odabira hrast?
Does the lightning choose an oak?
Ili se to pak hrsat munjama nametne?
Or does the oak force itself on the lightning?
Za to ba nemam reèi bog zna kako pametne...
For that, I have no answer, God knows how smart, clever I am...
To je ta sudbina, valjda?
This is fate, I guess?
Bila je moja zlatna ansa... A tek sam naèeo svoj krug
She was my golden anchor... And I have just found my path
Moj mali Sanèo Pansa... Moja ljubavnica...
My little Sancho Panza... My lover...
Saborac... I moj najbolji drug...
Fellow comrade... And my best friend...
Oni ne prièaju o njoj... A ja se ne raspitkivam
They do not talk about her... And I do not ask
Ukrstim politru i noæ... I tu i tamo na taj krst se prikivam
I cross a half-liter glass and a knife... And there and then I nail myself to that cross
Veæ me i Dunav pretièe... Moja me senka spotièe
The Danube threatens me already... My shadow mocks me
Al' nita mi se ne tièe... I malo ta me pomera i dotièe
But nothing touches me... I hardly notice it and it barely reaches me
Sem, moda, nje?
Except her, isn't that right?
Kad ðavo precepi pil...
When the devil poured the beer...
Sve krene naopaka, svale se vanglice, zadrema kum,
Everything went wrong, the angels got drunk, the best man fell asleep,
I neto nisu ove "london tanglice"
And these "London tangos"
Ko kadgod, u doba slavna?
Are not like they were in the glorious days?
Pogreno uklopljen stil...
An incorrectly fitted style...
Kinesko posuðe, salvete heklane,
Chinese dishware, crocheted napkins,
Model iz izloga a cipele od preklane
Fashion model from a shop window, but shoes from last season
No, rizling sve to poravna
Anyway, the Riesling evens it all out
Veæ me Dunav pretièe... Veæ me senka spotièe
The Danube threatens me already... My shadow mocks me
Nita me se ne tièe... Nita me se ne dotièe
Nothing touches me... Nothing reaches me

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