Đorđe Balašević - Mati - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Đorđe Balašević - Mati

Opet sam snio majku na praznični dan...
I dreamed about my mother on a holiday again...
I kao lutnja bruji slutnja: šta bi značio taj san?
And like a lute hums a premonition: what would this dream mean?
Hoklica izneta pod dud ko kad me čeka odnekud...
A stool taken out under the mulberry tree like she's waiting for me from somewhere...
Sve mi se manje sviđa kad budem u pravu...
I like it less and less when I'm right...
Sanovnik s masnim slovima...
A dream interpreter with bold letters...
Lako je to sa snovima...
It's easy with dreams...
Nešto mi teže ide kad tumačim javu...
I have a harder time when I interpret reality...
U oku tamni odsjaji divljeg lešnika...
In the eye dark reflections of a wild hazelnut...
I, tu od skora, nova bora, zbog jedinca, grešnika...
And there recently, a new wrinkle, because of my only son, a sinner...
Lanena letnja haljina sa veženim detaljima...
A summer linen dress with embroidered details...
Taman uz krupne tufne na baštenskoj kanti...
Just by the big daisies on the garden bin...
U leji bujnog šeboja... U tom snu mlađa nego ja...
In the bed of a lush elderberry... In that dream younger than me...
Onakva kakvu bih i želeo da pamtim...
The way I would like to remember her
O, mati, veje sneg... Ni to me ne raduje više...
Oh, mother, it's snowing... Even that doesn't make me happy anymore...
Prošlo je zauvek... Severac pustolinom briše...
The past has gone forever... The north wind is erasing the desert...
Čim dirne vode mirne hvata se led...
As soon as it touches the calm waters, ice forms...
I ravno je unedogled...
And it's flat as far as the eye can see...
Nadiru pahulje ko horde minulih minuta...
Snowflakes are descending like hordes of past minutes...
Niko ne strahuje što kasnim, što me nema s puta...
No one worries that I'm late, that I'm not back from my journey...
Da l' zima dušu ima?
Does winter have a soul?
Noć pusta je... To što me prati ne odustaje...
The night is deserted... What follows me doesn't give up...
Sve ređe srećem ljude iz mog plemena...
I meet people from my tribe less and less often...
Zamiču oni u koloni s one strane vremena...
They're disappearing in a column on the other side of time...
Na zlo nas ume navesti varljivi šapat savesti...
Evil can make us do things by tempting our consciences...
Nisam baš bio sin što nosi dobre vesti...
I wasn't exactly the son who brought good news...
Promiču lica predraga od nemila do nedraga...
Dear faces pass by from bad to worse...
Ka nekom tuđem snu u kom ćemo se sresti...
Towards someone else's dream in which we'll meet...
O, mati, veje sneg... Ni to me ne raduje više...
Oh, mother, it's snowing... Even that doesn't make me happy anymore...
Prošlo je zauvek, severac pustolinom briše...
The past is gone forever, the north wind is erasing the desert...
Čim dirne vode mirne hvata se led...
As soon as it touches the calm waters, ice forms...
I ravno je ravno unedogled...
And it's flat as far as the eye can see...
Nadiru pahulje ko horde minulih minuta...
Snowflakes are descending like hordes of past minutes...
Niko ne strahuje što kasnim, što me nema s puta...
No one worries that I'm late, that I'm not back from my journey...
Da l' zima dušu ima?
Does winter have a soul?
Noć pusta je... To što me prati ne odustaje...
The night is deserted... What follows me doesn't give up...

Đorđe Balašević - Singlovi 2017
Singlovi 2017
дата релиза

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