Đorđe Balašević - Olelole (Live) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Đorđe Balašević - Olelole (Live)

Olelole (Live)
Olelole (Live)
Ole Lole, pišem ti pesmu devet dana,
Ole Lole, I have been writing you a song for nine days,
Brusim filigranske detalje,
Polishing the filigree details,
Nižem, al' ništa od đerdana lepo neće dalje.
Stringing them together, but nothing like a necklace beauty will not go any further.
Ole Lole, nameću neki ritam marša,
Ole Lole, they are imposing some marching rhythm,
Lude se klanjaju k'o đeram.
Fools are bowing like dervishes.
Pevaju pesme s puno falša, ja po svome teram.
They sing songs with a lot of falsehood, I insist on my own.
Lole, valja mi tamburu spaliti, k'o one vikinške ladje,
Lole, I should burn the tambourine, like those Viking ships,
Pustiti rekom pa žaliti, nek je djavo nađe.
Let it go down the river and mourn, let the devil find it.
Lole, daj mi da još jednu ispijem, opet sam sanjao sušu,
Lole, let me have another drink, I dreamt of drought again,
Pa pusti ponovo Gypsy-je, za moju dušu.
And play Gypsy-je again, for my soul.
Lole, imaš li ikoga na svetu,
Lole, do you have anyone in the world,
Ili bi samnom na put mogla?
Or could you go on a journey with me?
Hajde da menjamo planetu, sutra dajem oglas.
Let's change the planet, I'll give a notice tomorrow.
Ole Lole, pogledaj samo šta nam rade,
Ole Lole, just look at what they are doing to us,
Na karti neba mi smo tačka.
On the map of heaven we are just a dot.
Stavi pred krevet barikade i mirna Bačka.
Put up barricades in front of the bed and peaceful Bačka.
Lole, taman se ludilo rasčisti, taman smo nadomak smisla,
Lole, just when the madness was clearing up, just when we were close to the meaning,
Evo ih sledeći fašisti dok si rek'o "piksla".
Here come the next fascists before you could say "can".
Lole, daj mi da još jednu ispijem, opet sam sanjao sušu,
Lole, let me have another drink, I dreamt of drought again,
Pa pusti ponovo Gypsy-je, za moju dušu, ajde...
And play Gypsy-je again, for my soul, come on...
Ole Lole, cakli se mesec k'o medaljon,
Ole Lole, the moon is glimmering like a medallion,
Al' nešto goropadno motri.
But something sinister is watching.
Postroji zvezdani bataljon, fališ na toj smotri.
Line up the stellar battalion, you are missing from that parade.
Ole Lole, baš tebe briga, slušaš jastuk,
Ole Lole, you don't care, you listen to the pillow,
Stiskaš tu svilu kao klešta,
You squeeze that silk like pliers,
Misliš na neki bezobrazluk. O, Bože, baš koješta.
You think of some impudence. Oh, God, just anything.
Ole, danas sam pun neke Španije, triput sam živeo tamo.
Ole, today I am full of some Spain, I have lived there three times.
Sumnjaš u živote ranije? Ako, smej se samo.
Do you doubt my previous lives? If so, just laugh.
Lole, daj mi da još jednu ispijem, opet sam sanjao sušu,
Lole, let me have another drink, I dreamt of drought again,
Pa pusti ponovo Gypsy-je, za moju dušu.
And play Gypsy-je again, for my soul.
Lole, valja mi tamburu spaliti, k'o one vikinške lađe,
Lole, I should burn the tambourine, like those Viking ships,
Pustiti rekom pa žaliti, nek je đavo nađe.
Let it go down the river and mourn, let the devil find it.
Lole, daj mi da još jednu ispijem, opet sam sanjao sušu,
Lole, let me have another drink, I dreamt of drought again,
Pa pusti ponovo Gypsy-je, za moju dušu.
And play Gypsy-je again, for my soul.
Lole, danas sam pun neke Španije, triput sam živeo tamo.
Lole, today I am full of some Spain, I have lived there three times.
Sumnjaš u živote ranije? Ako, smej se samo.
Do you doubt my previous lives? If so, just laugh.
Lole, daj mi da još jednu ispijem, opet sam sanjao sušu,
Lole, let me have another drink, I dreamt of drought again,
Pa pusti ponovo Gypsy-je, za moju crnu dušu, Lole moj!
And play Gypsy-je again, for my dark soul, my Lole!

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