Đorđe Balašević - Ostaje mi to što se volimo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Đorđe Balašević - Ostaje mi to što se volimo

Ostaje mi to što se volimo
Still in Love
Moj drug iz detinjstva živi sretno na selu
My friend from childhood lives contentedly in the country
Ko u ruskom romanu, tačno tako
Just like in a Russian novel, exactly so
Ima ženu i sina
He has a wife and a son
Ima podrum pun vina i sve mu je ravno
A cellar with plenty of wine, and everything else is good
U poslednje vreme ja ga viđam sve ređe
Lately I see him less and less
Samo onda, uglavnom, kad nešto slavi
Only now and then, usually when he's celebrating something
Al′ on ne pita puno
But he doesn't ask much
Pruži ruku i kaže nisi bio odavno
He just extends his hand and says you haven't been by in a while
I sećamo se dana kad smo još bili
And we remember the days when we were still
Divlji ko jeleni hitri
As wild as deer
I sve smo bliži istini i tuzi
And we get closer to the truth and sorrow
što smo bliži sledećoj litri
With each new drink
Pitam ga da l' zna
I ask him if he knows
Da si otišla, da si otišla
That you're gone, that you're gone
Pa dabome, kaže on
Of course, he says
Imala je drugog, to znaš
She had someone else, you know
Pitam ga da l′ zna
I ask him if he knows
Da se volimo, da se još volimo
That we still love each other, that we love each other still
O blago tebi, gunđa on
Lucky you, he mumbles
Nekad si ko dete baš
You're being childish
Moj drug iz detinjstva život posmatra škrto
My friend from childhood looks at life from a simple perspective
Vidi nebo i zemlju, ma, ima pravo
He sees heaven and earth
Ja sam prokleti pesnik
I'm a cursed poet
Koji stoji na kiši, koji laže i voli
Who stands in the rain, who lies and loves
Mada smo učili istu grubu životnu školu
Although we studied the same lifeclass
Mi smo nekad daleki, ali to je ljudski
We're sometimes distant, but that's human
Svako nosi u sebi nekog svog malog Boga
Everyone carries around a little God
Kom' se potajno moli
To whom they secretly pray
I sećamo se dana kad smo bežali vetru
And we remember the days when we were running from the wind
Ko besni čilaši
Like wild horses
I sve smo bliži istini i tuzi
And we get closer to the truth and sorrow
što smo bliži sledećoj čaši
With each new glass
Pitam ga šta sad
I ask him what now
Kad si otišla, kad si otišla
That you're gone, that you're gone
Ma vrlo važno, kaže on
Very important, he says
Pa ima toliko sličnih njoj
There are many others like her
Pitam ga da l' zna
I ask him if he knows
Da se volimo, da se još volimo
That we still love each other, that we love each other still
Ma koješta, gunđa on
Nonsense, he mumbles
Dodaj bokal, stari moj
Get me another bottle, my friend
Moj drug iz detinjstva se oženio zelen
My friend from childhood got married young
Al′ je imao sreće, ja vidiš nisam
But he was lucky, you see, I wasn't
Ja sam ljubio razne
I've loved many
Neke potpuno prazne, neke potpuno strane
Some completely empty, some completely foreign
I sve mi se čini da ne postoji način
And I can't seem to find a way
Da mu objasnim tebe, jedninu pravu
To explain you to him, my one true love
Zato topim u vinu čitav svet
That's why I drown the whole world in wine
Jer u čašu može svašta da stane
Because anything is possible in a glass
Pa brže vraćam priču na detinjstvo
So I quickly return the conversation to childhood
I na ždrepce znojavih sapi
And to the colts panting with sweat
I sve smo bliži istini i tuzi
And we get closer to the truth and sorrow
što smo bliži sledećoj kapi
With each new drop
I sećamo se dana kad smo još bili
And we remember the days when we were still
Divlji ko jeleni hitri
As wild as deer
I sve smo bliži istini i tuzi
And we get closer to the truth and sorrow
što smo bliži sledećoj litri
With each new drink
Pitam ga da l′ zna
I ask him if he knows
Da je nevažno što si otišla
That it doesn't matter that you're gone
Ajd, u redu, kaže on
Okay, he says
I šta ti sada ostaje
What's left for you now
Ostaje mi to
I have this left
što se volimo, što se volimo
That we love each other, that we love each other
Da l' zbog vina, gunđa on
Is it because of the wine, he mumbles
Al′ ovo smešno postaje
This is getting ridiculous
Ostaje mi to
I have this left
što se volimo, što se volimo
That we love each other, that we love each other

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