Đorđe Balašević - Poslednja Nevesta - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Đorđe Balašević - Poslednja Nevesta

Poslednja Nevesta
Last Bride
Vesnik svadbe po sokaku svuda je
The news of the wedding is everywhere
Brinu snajke sta ce koja mesiti
The brides worry what they will make
Neko m'i se, kanda, skoro udaje
It feels like someone is getting married soon
Pa, cuj moralo se i to jednom desiti
Well, it had to happen sometime
Tu livadu ja sam prvi kosio
I was the first one to mow that field
Ma pricam vise nego sto bih smeo
But I talk more than I should
Ajde, odavno bih je zaprosio
Look, I would have proposed to her long ago
Da sam samo hteo
If I only wanted
Vetric glanca krune granja
The breeze is shining the leaves of the branches
Tamis nosi par lokvanja
The darkness carries a few bees
Racun svedi, sta sad vredi mladost tricava
In the end, what is the use of youth
Nevazno je to sve skupa
It doesn't matter all together
Secanje je smesna lupa
Memory is a funny magnifier
Koja sitne stvari uvelicava
That makes the small things bigger
Oprezno s tom violinom
Be careful with that violin
Ona cezne za tisinom
It longs for silence
Ko da skakljas andjelcice vrhom gudala
As if you were jumping little angels on the top of a bow
A nju nemoj pominjati
And don't mention her
Nece svet zbog toga stati
The world won't end because of that
Nece biti prva sto se udala
She won't be the first to get married
Nista lakse nego sebe slagati
There's nothing easier than to lie to yourself
Nista lakse neg' se nasmrt opiti
There's nothing easier than to get drunk
I nista teze nego zalud tragati
And there's nothing harder than to search in vain
Od sto drugih nju sam probo sklopiti
I tried to fold her from a hundred others
Srce cupka, al misao okleva
My heart is breaking, but my mind is hesitating
Ceka da se stvari same dese
Waiting for things to happen on their own
A tuga lepse zvuci kad se otpeva
But sadness sounds better when it is sung
Pesma sve podnese
A song can bear everything
Bog je katkad pravi seret
God is sometimes a real pain
Na strmini doda teret
He adds weight on the steepness
I potura nedohvatno da se dohvati
And offers the unattainable to be reached
Bog je dobar kako kome
God is good to some
Bolje ne pitaj o tome
Better not to ask about it
Ucutacu ili cu opsovati
I'll either shut up or curse
Polagano, sanji-baci
Slowly, dream-teller
Ti si znao sta mi znaci
You know what you mean to me
Ko da heklas paucinu vrhom gudala
As if you were weaving a spider web on the top of a bow
Kad pred crkvom baci buket
When she throws the bouquet in front of the church
Neka padne, kao uklet
Let it fall, like a curse
Neka bude zadnja sto se udala
Let her be the last one to get married
Samo bol je u zivotu siguran
Only pain is certain in life
Srecu nosi neki postar jako spor
Happiness brings some old man very slowly
Neka, samo ovu noc da izguram
Just let me get through this night
Sutra cu vec naci dobar izgovor
Tomorrow I'll find a good excuse

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