Đorđe Balašević - Slovenska - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Đorđe Balašević - Slovenska

Nošen dahom sna
Carried by the breath of a dream
Doleteo je crni golub na moj dlan.
A black dove flew to my palm.
Zašto, ko da zna,
Why, as if it knows,
Al' to sam jutro dočekao umoran.
But I greeted this morning weary.
K'o da sam i ja leteo s njim,
As if I too had flown with it,
Krilima teškim, olovnim,
With heavy, leaden wings,
I video svet
And seen the world
Sakriven iza zlatnih oblaka.
Hidden behind golden clouds.
Ako umrem mlad,
If I die young,
Posadi mi na grobu samo ruzmarin.
Plant only rosemary on my grave.
Ne dozvoli tad
Don't allow them then
Da naprave od toga tužni treći čin.
To make a sad third act of it.
Nek mi ne drže govore,
Let them not make speeches for me,
Nek drugom pletu lovore.
Let them weave laurels for another.
Ako umrem mlad,
If I die young,
Zaustavljen u koraku i snu.
Stopped in step and dream.
O, zagrli me sad, jako, najbolje što znaš
Oh, embrace me now, deeply, the best you can
I nemoj crnoj ptici da me daš.
And do not give me to the black bird.
O ne, ne brini, proći će za tren,
Oh no, don't worry, it will pass in a moment,
Ja sam samo malo lud i zaljubljen.
I am only a little crazy and in love.
U mojim venama davni sever samuje
In my veins the ancient north wanders
I ja ponekad ne znam šta mu je.
And sometimes I don't know what's wrong with it.
Što luduje, od sreće tugu tka
What madness, from happiness weaves sorrow
Moja prosta duša slovenska.
My simple Slavic soul.
Uplaši me sjaj
Frighten me the shine
Milion sveća kad se nebom popali.
A million candles when they ignite in the sky.
Gde je tome kraj?
Where is the end of it?
Za kog su tako dubok zdenac kopali?
For whom did they dig such a deep well?
Zašto se sve to dešava,
Why is all this happening,
Dal' čovek ista rešava
Does man solve the same
Il' smo samo tu
Or are we only here
Zbog ravnoteže među zvezdama?
For balance among the stars?
O, zagrli me sad, jako, najbolje što znaš
Oh, embrace me now, deeply, the best you can
I nemoj crnoj ptici da me daš.
And do not give me to the black bird.
Ma ne, ne brini, proći će za tren,
But no, don't worry, it will pass in a moment,
Ja sam samo malo lud i zaljubljen.
I am only a little crazy and in love.
U mojim venama davni sever samuje
In my veins the ancient north wanders
I ja ponekad ne znam šta mu je.
And sometimes I don't know what's wrong with it.
Što luduje, od sreće tugu tka
What madness, from happiness weaves sorrow
Moja prosta duša slovenska
My simple Slavic soul
Moja prosta duša slovenska
My simple Slavic soul
Moja prosta duša slovenska
My simple Slavic soul

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