Đorđe Balašević - Stih Na Asfaltu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Đorđe Balašević - Stih Na Asfaltu

Stih Na Asfaltu
Verse on the Asphalt
Da mi je još jedared proči Ilicom
If I could walk down Iliсa one more time
Pa da bećarac nasvrljam cirilicom
And scribble a poem in Cyrillic
Teško da bi drugi mogli rešiti taj hijeroglif,
It's unlikely others would be able to decipher this hieroglyph
Al bi Neko znao da sam tu
But Someone would know that I was here
Cipelice jedne bele zastale bi i prevele
Small white shoes would stop and translate
Stih na asfaltu
Verse on the asphalt
Jednom ću u baladu da se prerušim
I will disguise myself as a ballad one day
U refren što se Tamo jos zapevuši
As a chorus that was sung in a distant land
Pa da minem Starom Vlaškom
And pass through Old Vlaška
Da joj kosu sklonim daskom
To cover her hair with a board
I za uglom hitro zamaknem
And quickly hide around the corner
Da pred nosom strašnog Bana, kao senka Petra Pana
As a shadow of Peter Pan, before the terrible Ban
Kapu namaknem
I will dip my hat
Preko krova i mansarde, ošamućen daljinama
Through the rooftops and attics, bewildered by the distance
Da ostavim struk lavande medu njenim haljinama
To leave a sprig of lavender among her dresses
Lagano se bore nanose Malo šta je još po starom
Slowly, the colors fade. Little has changed
Al okice moje šokice mađijaju istim žarom
But my magical eyes still see the same charm
Ladica đinđuva po nebu prosuta
A small boat of geraniums scattered across the sky
U jesen vetar primi miris Bosuta
In autumn, the wind carries the scent of Bosut
Isprva mi nije nista al več posle par gemišta
At first, I feel nothing, but after a few sips
Dopre izdaleka lagan prim
A distant sound reaches me
Praćen tercom suvog lišća s jednog hrasta kraj Belišća
Accompanied by the tapping of dry leaves from an oak tree near Belišće
Stidljivo, sasvim
It's so shy
Što sam joj kog vraga dao belu ružu samoniklu
Why on earth did I give her a wild white rose?
Što li sam je povezao onaj krug na mom biciklu
Why did I tie it to that ring on my bike?
Lagano se bore nanose Malo šta je još po starom
Slowly, the colors fade. Little has changed
Al okice moje sokice mađijaju istim žarom
But my magical eyes still see the same charm

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