Đorđe Balašević - Za treću smenu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Đorđe Balašević - Za treću smenu

Za treću smenu
For the Third Shift
Vidis li gde sam to sad, u kom sam dobu?
Do you see where I am now, in what time?
Cudne mi ptice, da znas, snovima jezde.
Strange birds, you know, ride their dreams.
Jer, jos sam suvise mlad da mislim o grobu,
Because, I'm still too young to think about the grave,
A vec sam suvise star da brojim zvezde...
But I'm already too old to count the stars...
Cujes tisinu, taj zvuk? prolazi vreme.
Do you hear the silence, that sound? time is passing.
Zuji i preti kroz noc, drhti k'o kobra.
It buzzes and threatens through the night, trembles like a cobra.
Nemoj da nacinjes sad ozbiljne teme,
Don't start serious subjects now,
Dodji, skupi se tu i budi dobra...
Come, get close and be good...
Pa naspi jos jednu, za vecite krivce,
So pour me another, for the eternal sinners,
Za balansere,
For the balancers,
Ne boj se, imam ja prilican cug.
Don't worry, I have a decent chug.
Naspi jos jednu, za umorne livce,
Pour me another, for the tired foundrymen,
Za proletere,
For the proletarians,
Veceras treca smena vraca tudji dug...
Tonight the third shift repays an alien debt...
Skoro ce svanuti dan, jos jedan praznik.
Day will soon dawn, another holiday.
Svi su ti plavi k'o san, svi su ti isti.
They are all blue like a dream, they are all the same.
Budis se retko u sest, samo po kazni,
You rarely wake up at six, only as a punishment,
Kad moras negde na put ili na ispit...
When you have to go somewhere or take an exam...
Pa naspi jos jednu...
So pour me another...
Ponekad tragam i ja, za zlatnim runom.
Sometimes I search too, for the golden fleece.
Mozda cu sanjati dim, vatru i celik.
Maybe I will dream of smoke, fire and steel.
Nisi ti kriva za to, ma volim te puno.
You are not to blame for this, though I love you dearly.
Hajde sad, daj mi pred san poljubac velik...
Come on now, give me a big kiss before bed...
Pa naspi jos jednu...
So pour me another...
Pa naspi jos jednu, za vecite krivce,
So pour me another, for the eternal sinners,
Za balansere,
For the balancers,
Naspi jos jednu za moje drugare.
Pour me another for my friends.
Naspi jos jednu, za umorne livce,
Pour me another, for the tired foundrymen,
Za proletere, naspi jos jednu za trecu smenu...
For the proletarians, pour me another for the third shift...

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