Đorđe Balašević - Ziveti Slobodno... - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Đorđe Balašević - Ziveti Slobodno...

Ziveti Slobodno...
Living Free...
Davno ti je vrag zaseo na prag, zemljo Srbijo...
The devil has long been at your doorstep, Serbian land...
Niko živ se ne seća tolikih nesreća za jednog vezira
No one alive can remember so many misfortunes for a single vizier
Oko tebe komšije podižu bedeme jeda i prezira
Neighbors around you are building walls of anger and contempt
E, tog još nije bilo, ludama je milo, ostale je stid...
Eh, that's never happened before, madmen love it, the rest are ashamed...
Crne hronike i harmonike, sitan Rock & Roll
Dark chronicles and accordions, petty Rock & Roll
Bajke da na kraju ponajbolji ostaju više ne prolaze
Fairytales that the best always survive don't work anymore
S tamne strane globusa bolje se vidi da Najbolji odlaze
From the dark side of the globe you can see better that the Best are leaving
Pločnici Toronta, oči boje fronta, ozinka svih nas
Toronto sidewalks, eyes the color of battlefronts, disgrace to all of us
Na šta se priča svodi? Ej, parole o slobodi
What does the story come down to? Hey, words about freedom
Šetači-preletači? Slaba potpora
Fly-by-night walkers? Weak support
Nije to glava-pismon, ili jesmo ili nismo?
It's not a brain-teaser, we either are or we aren't?
Ovo srce bubnja večni tam-tam otpora:
This heart drums the eternal tom-tom of resistance:
Živeti slobodno... svetom se oriti...
Living free... resound through the world...
Okićen perom sokola, za urok protiv okova
Adorned with the falcon's feather, for a charm against chains
Živeti slobodno... pesmom pokoriti...
Living free... conquering with a song...
Tvoj steg na svakom gradu je gde ti se neko raduje
Your standard in every city is where someone rejoices at you
Probati jug ko zrno grožđa sa dlana bogorodice
To taste the south like a grape from the palm of the Virgin Mary
Liznuti so sa onog gvožđa za koje vežu brodice
To lick the salt from the iron to which the boats are tied
Slušati vetre kako gude u bele stepske jasene
To listen to the winds howling in the white steppe ash trees
Zajtiti vode koje bude gene u nama spasene...
To protect the waters that will be the salvation saved within us...
Al, čim se pomene fantom promene, sevnu šlemovi
But as soon as the phantom of change is mentioned, helmets flash
Žali bože matore, oni se zatvore čim gazde podviknu
God pity the old, they shut themselves in as soon as the bosses shout
Upiru se deca da rođene očeve od laži odviknu...
The children try to wean their fathers from lies...
Šta na kraju bidne? Putnici za Sidnej, izlaz taj i taj
What will become of us in the end? Passengers for Sydney via such-and-such an exit
Dokle, bre, da nas voza zli čarobnjak iz Oza?
How long will the evil wizard from Oz lead us by the nose?
Dokle taj glupi džoker: Ćuti, dobro je.
How long will this foolish joker say: Be quiet, it's all good?
Ma, čitav plen da skupe, pa ne mogu da vas kupe
They might collect all the loot, but they can't buy you
Da vam mladost kao sitan kusur odbroje...
So they can deduct your youth as a petty misdemeanor...
Živeti slobodno... svetom se oriti...
Living free... resound through the world...
Okićen perom sokola, za urok protiv okova
Adorned with the falcon's feather, for a charm against chains
Živeti slobodno... pesmom pokoriti...
Living free... conquering with a song...
Tvoj steg na svakom gradu je gde ti se neko raduje
Your standard in every city is where someone rejoices at you
Svako je jutro novo ušće, poteci kao rečica
Every morning is a new estuary, flow like a river
Neka se trnje plete gušće, nebo je tvoja prečica
Let the thorns intertwine more thickly, the sky is your shortcut
I zdrobi lažne dijamante ko ljusku šupljeg oraha
And crush false diamonds like the shell of an empty walnut
Nek bulevari sveta pamte muziku tvojih koraka
Let the boulevards of the world remember the music of your footsteps
Svako je jutro novo ušće, poteci kao rečica
Every morning is a new estuary, flow like a river
Neka se trnje plete gušće, nebo je tvoja prečica
Let the thorns intertwine more thickly, the sky is your shortcut
I zdrobi lažne dijamante ko ljusku šupljeg oraha
And crush false diamonds like the shell of an empty walnut
Nek bulevari sveta pamte muziku tvojih koraka...
Let the boulevards of the world remember the music of your footsteps...

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