Đubrivo - Vaša Kćerka - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Đubrivo - Vaša Kćerka

Vaša Kćerka
Your Daughter
Žarko želim jednog dana
I really wish to one day
Zaklat onog Petra Pana
Slaughter that Peter Pan
Spremam usku omčicu
I am preparing a narrow noose
Za malenu Zvončicu
For tiny Tinker Bell
Izvršit ću radnju bluda
I will commit the act of fornication
S Alisom u Zemlji čuda
With Alice in Wonderland
Gušter Bill od tuge jeca
Lizard Bill is crying with sadness
Spremam toć od Bijelog Zeca
I'm making soup from the White Rabbit
Pod kolima moga FAP-a
Under the wheels of my FAP
Nać će se i Crvenkapa
Little Red Riding Hood will be found
Kad je rafal prošara
When the machine gun will riddle her body
Ispast će joj košara
Her basket will fall out
Podsjetit ću Pepeljugu
I will remind Cinderella
Da ne traži štiklu drugu
Not to look for another glass slipper
Riješit ću joj dvojbe mnoge
I'll solve her many doubts
Otkinit joj obe noge
By cutting off both of her legs
Sve ću priznat poroti
I'll confess everything to the jury
Ubio sam Dorothy
I killed Dorothy
Granata je skašila
The grenade missed
Limenog i Strašila
The Tin Man and the Scarecrow
Kurvu ću Snjeguljicu
I'll rape whore Snow White
Poševit u guzicu
In the ass
Jer se često prcala
Because she often joked
Kraj čarobnog zrcala
Beside the magic mirror
Nožinom ću malčice
With a knife I will
Kroz trbuščić Palčice
Through the belly of Thumblina
Kad popijem puno vinca
When I drink a lot of wine
Mrcvarit ću njenog princa
I'll mangle her prince
Bejzbolskom ću palicom
I will use a baseball bat
Poigrat se s Maricom
To play with Mary
A poslije ću krivicu
And after I will blame
Svaliti na Ivicu
Od vas osta samo dim
There's only dust left from you
Vi dosadna (bezvezna) braćo Grimm
You boring (stupid) brothers Grimm
Ne ostade niti sjena
There's not even a shadow left
Hans Christian Andersena
Of Hans Christian Andersen

Авторы: Darko Grubišić, Jure Listeš, Toni Aničić

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