Цезарь Антонович Кюи - Orientale, Op. 50 No. 9, from Kaleidoscope - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Цезарь Антонович Кюи - Orientale, Op. 50 No. 9, from Kaleidoscope

Orientale, Op. 50 No. 9, from Kaleidoscope
Orientale, Op. 50 No. 9, from Kaleidoscope
Ku ca wa ai tiok cekai cabo
My heart is aching for you, my love
Wa e sim cin tiam sio i
I've been waiting here for you to come
Ui liau ceku ua i kong w si bo lui lang
In this place where we used to share our love
Wa cai wa si cekai bo lui lang
Now you've left me for someone else
Wa cai w khiau kia lang
You've broken my heart
Wa e ki kau si ce ku ua lu kong kak wa
My heart is breaking into a million pieces
Kau kia jit lu tiam tiam lai choi wa
I've tried to forget you
Ui liau u khua wa ce cee teng chia
But I can't seem to let you go
Kuca lu pang wa ui liau khua bo wa
My heart only thinks of you
Co mik lu tuu wa co mik lu choi wa
You come and go as you please
Kau kia jit w kok e ki ce ku ua
You've broken my heart
Lu kong kak wa
You've left me alone
Lu co cabo ai khak e hiau sio
You've stolen my heart and left me with nothing
Bo kho leng tong kim
You've left me heartbroken
Wa ai tiok lu
I love you
Lu bo sio kuca luco wa ancua
You've left me with nothing but memories
Tongkim wa mai lu
Memories of us
Tongkim wa lo lu
Memories of our love
Kau liau wa e sim ho lu co tiok thia
You've left me with nothing but pain
Di sini sendiri
All by myself here
Menanti diri mu
Waiting for you
Di tempat ini kita melepas rindu
In this place where we used to love each other
Sekarang kau tlah mendua
Now you've left me for someone else
Bersama diri nya
With him or her
Membuat hati ku semakin
Making my heart more and more
Tak berdaya
Ku mencoba melupakan mu
I try to forget you
Tapi ternyata ku tak bisa
But it turns out I can't
Hati ku hanya memikirkan mu
My heart only thinks of you
Hampa terasa tanpa diri mu
I feel empty without you
Yang tersisa hanyalah
All that's left is
Antara engkau dan aku
Between you and me
Kisah cinta antara kita
The love story between us
Telah berakhir
Has ended
Semua nya yang dulu pernah kita jalani
Everything that we used to do together
Tak pernah sirna dalam hati ku
Never fades in my heart
Ku hanya dapat menahan rindu
I can only hold back my longing
Ai wo chi pu nen kau
I love you still
Kei ni wo cin pu
I'm waiting for you
E nen kei ne ce yau pu se ni
In this place where we used to meet
Siang yiau yong yeu te
Every day I wait for you
Wo men pu se he
We used to love each other
Ye pu siau ren se
You've forgotten all about us
Hao ci ce wo men pau
How can we forget each other
Ce pi ce thou ce siang yiau khu
Think of me every day
Ni ciang ci se ce yang te i cie
This pain will never go away
Tou ce se khai se
I will always love you
Wo choi te ce
I miss you
So you ta i cie
So much
Cau ciu hui ciu su
You have hurt me so much
Pu sen cai ye su
You broke my heart
Pu you cai thou khu
You left me alone
Sia i ce hue yau keng hau de
I will never forgive you
Ching lu
Sia i che wo men thong leu de sim fu
I will always remember our love

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