مشاري العفاسي - العارم - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни مشاري العفاسي - العارم

The Soul's Solace
قل للكون وقل للخلق وللأزمان
Tell the universe, the people, and the ages,
كم تهنئ وفؤادك يملأه القرآن
How blessed you are, your heart filled with the Quran.
قل لهموم الناس وأسئلة الحيران
Tell the worries of the people and the questions of the bewildered,
كم فيك سرورا وسلاما واطمئنان
How much joy, peace, and tranquility is in you.
قل للكون وقل للخلق وللأزمان
Tell the universe, the people, and the ages,
كم تهنئ وفؤادك يملأه القرآن
How blessed you are, your heart filled with the Quran.
قل لهموم الناس وأسئلة الحيران
Tell the worries of the people and the questions of the bewildered,
كم فيك سرورا و سلاما واطمئنان
How much joy, peace, and tranquility is in you.
يا مكي النور ومدني الثمرات
O blessed of Mecca and blessed of Medina,
كالنخل العارم تزخر طيبا وثبات
Like a majestic palm tree, you are replete with goodness and steadfastness.
أنفاسك عطر يتضوع بالأيات
Your breath is a fragrance perfumed with verses,
وجليسك نورك وملائكة الرحمن
And your companion is your light and the angels of the Most Merciful.
قل للكون وقل للخلق وللأزمان
Tell the universe, the people, and the ages,
كم تهنئ وفؤادك يملأه القرآن
How blessed you are, your heart filled with the Quran.
قل لهموم الناس وأسئلة الحيران
Tell the worries of the people and the questions of the bewildered,
كم فيك سرورا و سلاما واطمئنان
How much joy, peace, and tranquility is in you.
قل لرسول الله عساك تمر إليه
Tell the Messenger of God, may you visit him,
أنك فزت بما أنزله الله عليه
That you have succeeded in what God has revealed to him.
وحفظت رسالته وأمانة وحييه
You have preserved His message and the trust of His revelation,
وبقيت على الشوق الصابر والإيمان
And you have remained upon the patient longing and faith.
قل للكون وقل للخلق وللأزمان
Tell the universe, the people, and the ages,
كم تهنئ وفؤادك يملأه القرآن
How blessed you are, your heart filled with the Quran.
قل لهموم الناس وأسئلة الحيران
Tell the worries of the people and the questions of the bewildered,
كم فيك سرورا و سلاما واطمئنان
How much joy, peace, and tranquility is in you.
سيقول القرآن شفيعا يوم مآب
The Quran will say on the Day of Judgment,
أكرمه وأكرم أبويه بكل ثواب
"Honor him and honor his parents with all reward."
أظمأت هواجره يا رب الأرباب
His thirst has quenched, O Lord of Lords,
أسهرت لياليه فامنحه الرضوان
He has spent his nights in devotion; grant him رضوان (the highest level of Paradise).

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