مشاري العفاسي - سورة التكوير - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни مشاري العفاسي - سورة التكوير

سورة التكوير
Surat At-Takwir
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
إِذَا الشَّمْسُ كُوِّرَتْ ﴿١﴾
When the sun is wrapped up ﴿1﴾
وَإِذَا النُّجُومُ انْكَدَرَتْ ﴿٢﴾
When the stars shall fall ﴿2﴾
وَإِذَا الْجِبَالُ سُيِّرَتْ ﴿٣﴾
When the mountains are set in motion ﴿3﴾
وَإِذَا الْعِشَارُ عُطِّلَتْ ﴿٤﴾
When the she-camels, ten months gone with young, shall be left untended ﴿4﴾
وَإِذَا الْوُحُوشُ حُشِرَتْ ﴿٥﴾
When the wild beasts shall be gathered together ﴿5﴾
وَإِذَا الْبِحَارُ سُجِّرَتْ ﴿٦﴾
When the seas shall surge overflowing ﴿6﴾
وَإِذَا النُّفُوسُ زُوِّجَتْ ﴿٧﴾
When souls are paired ﴿7﴾
وَإِذَا الْمَوْءُودَةُ سُئِلَتْ ﴿٨﴾
When the female child who was buried alive shall be asked ﴿8﴾
بِأَيِّ ذَنْبٍ قُتِلَتْ ﴿٩﴾
For what sin she was killed ﴿9﴾
وَإِذَا الصُّحُفُ نُشِرَتْ ﴿١٠﴾
When the scrolls shall be spread open ﴿10﴾
وَإِذَا السَّمَاءُ كُشِطَتْ ﴿١١﴾
When the heaven shall be stripped away ﴿11﴾
وَإِذَا الْجَحِيمُ سُعِّرَتْ ﴿١٢﴾
When the hellfire shall be kindled burning ﴿12﴾
وَإِذَا الْجَنَّةُ أُزْلِفَتْ ﴿١٣﴾
When the garden shall be brought nigh ﴿13﴾
عَلِمَتْ نَفْسٌ مَا أَحْضَرَتْ ﴿١٤﴾
(Then) every soul will know what it has brought forward ﴿14﴾
فَلَا أُقْسِمُ بِالْخُنَّسِ ﴿١٥﴾
So I swear by the stars that slip away ﴿15﴾
الْجَوَارِ الْكُنَّسِ ﴿١٦﴾
passing through their courses ﴿16﴾
وَاللَّيْلِ إِذَا عَسْعَسَ ﴿١٧﴾
and by the night when it darkens ﴿17﴾
وَالصُّبْحِ إِذَا تَنَفَّسَ ﴿١٨﴾
and by the dawn when it brightens ﴿18﴾
إِنَّهُ لَقَوْلُ رَسُولٍ كَرِيمٍ ﴿١٩﴾
that verily this is the word of an honored messenger ﴿19﴾
ذِي قُوَّةٍ عِنْدَ ذِي الْعَرْشِ مَكِينٍ ﴿٢٠﴾
endowed with power, with the Lord of the Throne, obeyed ﴿20﴾
مُطَاعٍ ثَمَّ أَمِينٍ ﴿٢١﴾
there (in the heavens), faithful ﴿21﴾
وَمَا صَاحِبُكُمْ بِمَجْنُونٍ ﴿٢٢﴾
And your companion is not mad ﴿22﴾
وَلَقَدْ رَآهُ بِالْأُفُقِ الْمُبِينِ ﴿٢٣﴾
and verily he saw him on the clear horizon ﴿23﴾
وَمَا هُوَ عَلَى الْغَيْبِ بِضَنِينٍ ﴿٢٤﴾
and he is not niggardly in respect of the unseen ﴿24﴾
وَمَا هُوَ بِقَوْلِ شَيْطَانٍ رَجِيمٍ﴿٢٥﴾
Nor is it the word of an accursed devil ﴿25﴾
فَأَيْنَ تَذْهَبُونَ ﴿٢٦﴾
Whither then are you going? ﴿26﴾
إِنْ هُوَ إِلَّا ذِكْرٌ لِلْعَالَمِينَ ﴿٢٧﴾
It is naught but a reminder to all creatures ﴿27﴾
لِمَنْ شَاءَ مِنْكُمْ أَنْ يَسْتَقِيمَ﴿٢٨﴾
For him among you who wills to go straight ﴿28﴾
وَمَا تَشَاءُونَ إِلَّا أَنْ يَشَاءَ اللَّهُ رَبُّ الْعَالَمِينَ ﴿٢٩﴾
But you shall not will except as Allah wills, the Lord of all the worlds ﴿29﴾

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