And do not grant any favors, seeking more (in return)
و لربك فإصبر
And for the sake of your Lord, be patient
فإذا نقر في الناقور
So when the horn is blown
فذلك يومئذ يوم عسير
That is the Day which is difficult
علي الكافرين غير يسير
For the disbelievers and not easy
ذرني و من خلقت وحيدا
Leave Me and he whom I created alone
و جعلت له مالا ممدودا
And I bestowed upon him abundant wealth
و بنين شهودا
And sons present
و مهدت له تمهيدا
And I made everything easy for him
ثم يطمع ان ازيد
Then he desires that I should give him more
، انه كان لأياتنا عنيدا
No! Indeed, he has been obstinate toward Our verses
سأرهقه صعودا
I will impose upon him an exhausting ascent
انه فكر و قدر
Indeed, he thought and estimated
فقتل كيف قدر
So death to how he estimated!
ثم قتل كيف قدر
Then death to how he estimated!
ثم نظر
Then he looked
ثم عبس و بسر
Then he frowned and made a wry face
ثم ادبر و استكبر
، فقال ان هذا الا سحر يؤثر
Then he turned away and was arrogant
ان هذا الا قول البشر
And he said, "This is not but magic from the old days
سأصليه سقر
This is not but the word of a mortal"
وما ادراك ما سقر
I will burn him in Hellfire
لا تبقي ولا تذر
And what can make you know what Hellfire is?
لواحة للبشر
It leaves nothing and ignores nothing
عليها تسعة عشر
It blackens the skin
وما جعلنا اصحاب النار الا ملائكة وما جعلنا عدتهم الا فتنة للذين كفروا ليستيقن الذين أوتوا الكتاب و يزداد الذين آمنوا ايمانا ولا يرتاب الذين أوتوا الكتاب و المؤمنون و ليقول الذين في قلوبهم مرض و الكافرون ماذا اراد الله بهذا مثلا كذلك يضل الله من يشاء ويهدي من يشاء وما يعلم جنود ربك الا هو وما هي الا ذكري للبشر
Over it are nineteen
كلا والقمر
And We have not made the keepers of the Fire except angels. And We have not made their number except as a trial for those who disbelieve
- that those who were given the Scripture will be convinced and those who believe will increase in faith. And those who were given the Scripture and the believers will not doubt. And those in whose hearts is hypocrisy and the disbelievers will say, "What did Allah intend by this as an example?" Thus Allah leaves astray whom He wills and guides whom He wills. And none knows the soldiers of your Lord except Him. And it is not but a reminder for mankind
والليل اذ ادبر
By the moon
والصبح اذا اسفر
And by the night when it retreats
انها لإحدي الكبر
And by the dawn when it shines
نذيرا للبشر
Indeed, it is one of the greatest
لمن شاء منكم ان يتقدم او يتأخر
A warning to mankind
كل نفس بما كسبت رهينه
For whoever wills among you to advance or to delay
الا اصحاب اليمين
Every soul, for what it has earned, is held in pledge
في جنات يتسائلون
Except the companions of the right
عن المجرمين
In gardens, they will ask one another
ما سلككم في سقر
About the criminals
قالوا لم نك من المصلين
What put you into Hellfire?
ولم نك نطعم المسكين
They will say, "We were not of those who prayed
وكنا نخوض مع الخائضين
And we did not feed the poor
وكنا نكذب بيوم الدين
And we used to enter into vain discourse with those who entered into it
حتي أتانا اليقين
And we used to deny the Day of Recompense
فما تنفعهم شفاعة الشافعين
Until there came to us the certainty"
فما لهم عن التذكرة معرضين
So the intercession of the intercessors will not benefit them at all
كأنهم حمر مستنفرة
So what is the matter with them that they turn away from the remembrance
فرت من قسورة
As if they were frightened donkeys
بل يريد كل امرئ منهم ان يؤتي صحفًا منشرة
Fleeing from a lion
كلا بل لا يخافون الاخره
Rather, every man among them desires to be given scrolls spread open
كلا انه تذكره
No! Indeed, they do not fear the Hereafter
فمن شاء ذكره
No! Indeed, it is a reminder
وما يذكرون الا ان يشاء الله
So whoever wills may remember
هو اهل التقوي و اهل المغفره
And they will not remember except that Allah wills. He is the possessor of piety and forgiveness
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