かりゆし58 - FFF - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский かりゆし58 - FFF

忘れよう 大掃除 涙の錆を一掃
Let's forget it, do some cleaning, and get rid of the rust of tears
一度リセット しゃんとするのは明日以降
Reset once, let's get serious tomorrow
Takeoff!さあ Flower Friday Flight
Takeoff! Now, Flower Friday Flight
日めくりで擦り減らした自分 見猿 聞か猿 言わ猿決め込み
The worn-out self that I've been turning over the pages for, see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil
But that's enough
Let's proudly speak our complaints
Let's turn our whining into a song
溜まったゴミを出そう 頭を模様替え
Let's throw out the accumulated garbage and rearrange our heads
深呼吸は換気扇 新鮮な空気が何かを変える
Deep breathing is a ventilator, fresh air changes something
本当だぜ 本当に本当だぜ
This is for real, really real
始めよう 大掃除 心の染みを洗浄
Let's start the cleaning, and cleanse the stains on your heart
一度リセット ワックな自分をブッ飛ばそう
Reset once, let's blow away our weak selves
Takeoff!さあ Flower Friday Flight
Takeoff! Now, Flower Friday Flight
雨に晒され 背を風に押され なおも長く道は続く
Exposed to the rain, pushed by the wind, the path continues to be long
Flying with wings called inconvenience
日に身を焦がし 汗水を流し 血湧き肉踊る鼓動
Scorched by the sun, sweating, and the heart beating with excitement
生命の性能を晴明に歌う 我らが身体の声明
Singing the function of life clearly, our body's declaration
さあ曇った窓を拭こう 太陽を招こう
Wipe the cloudy windows and invite the sun
運命線が動き出す 本当だぜ 本当に本当だぜ
The line of destiny starts to move, this is for real, really real
Really, really, really, really, really for real
Flower Friday Flight 目指すは大気圏外
Flower Friday Flight, aiming for the outer atmosphere
Flower Friday Flight 好きなだけ好きな事だけやりまくれ
Flower Friday Flight, do whatever you like as much as you like
忘れよう 大掃除 涙の錆を一掃
Let's forget it, do some cleaning, and get rid of the rust of tears
一度リセット ケセラセラと笑い飛ばそう
Reset once, let's laugh it off with Que sera, sera
I say 愛せ ちゃんと自分を愛そうぜ
I say, love yourself, love yourself properly
I say 無いぜ チャンスに終わりなんてのは無いぜ
I say, there's no end to chances
You're not dead until you're dead
足枷 一刀両断 君は自由だ
Break the shackles, you are free
Takeoff!さあ Flower Friday Flight
Takeoff! Now, Flower Friday Flight

Авторы: 新屋 行裕

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