Mikito P feat. Mayu - Yuudachi no Ribbon - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Mikito P feat. Mayu - Yuudachi no Ribbon

Yuudachi no Ribbon
Yuudachi no Ribbon
突然の夕立に降られて 校舎裏の蔭 で雨宿り
Suddenly caught in an evening shower, we sheltered from the rain behind the school building.
荒くなる 二人きりの呼吸が響いた
The sound of our two breaths grew louder as we found ourselves alone.
肌の透けたブラウスに触り つらくなるほど目を合わせて
I touched the sheerness of your blouse, and my eyes locked with yours, filled with an intensity that made my heart pound.
この口と その口の 距離はゼロになる
The distance between our mouths became zero.
隠し事がしたいよ したいよ "内緒だよ"
I want to keep this a secret, I want to say, "This is between us."
その響きは 幼い耳を何十回刺激した
The sound of those words has stimulated my young ears countless times.
トラウマなど忘れさせたげる この指が与える刺激で
I will make you forget your trauma with the stimulation I give you.
常識と非常識の 距離は紙一重だから
Because the line between common sense and the taboo is as thin as paper.
An eternal flash.
雨にまぎれ聞こえる 聞こえる "愛してる"
I can hear "I love you" amidst the rain, I can hear it.
そして二人は プラトニックな掟を破ってく
And so we, together, break the rules of platonic love.
傘はささずに 一緒に帰ろ
Let's walk home without umbrellas.
荒くなる 二人きりの呼吸は重なり
The sound of our two breaths grew louder as we overlapped.
この口と その口の 距離はゼロになる
The distance between our mouths became zero.
雨にまぎれ 聞こえる 聞こえないフリをしたら
If I pretend not to hear the words mingled with the rain,
あどけない眼で この上なく いじらしそうに笑う
your innocent eyes will smile at me with the utmost charm.
隠し事がしたいよ したいよ "内緒だよ"
I want to keep this a secret, I want to say, "This is between us."
その響きは 幼い耳を何十回刺激した
The sound of those words has stimulated my young ears countless times.
Ribbon of the rain shower.

Авторы: みきとp

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