カラオケ歌っちゃ王 - ひまわりの約束 (オリジナルアーティスト:秦 基博) [カラオケ] - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни カラオケ歌っちゃ王 - ひまわりの約束 (オリジナルアーティスト:秦 基博) [カラオケ]

ひまわりの約束 (オリジナルアーティスト:秦 基博) [カラオケ]
Sunflower Promise (Original Artist:秦 基博) [Karaoke]
どうして 君が泣くの
Why are you crying?
まだ 僕も泣いて いないのに
Because I'm not crying yet?
自分より 悲しむから
Because I'm sadder than you?
つらいのが どっちか
It's hard to tell who's hurting more.
I can't tell anymore.
ガラクタ だった はずの今日が
This day that was supposed to be a piece of junk,
Becomes a treasure when we're together,
I want to be by your side.
Is there anything I can do for you?
I've always wanted you,
いつも君に ずっと君に
Always wanted you,
笑っていて ほしくて
To smile.
Like a sunflower,
Your kindness, so straightforward,
温もりを 全部
Your warmth, all of it,
これからは僕も 届けていきたい
From now on, I want to deliver it to you, too,
ここにある幸せに 気づいたから
Because I realized the happiness that's here.
遠くで ともる未来
A distant future,
もしも 僕らが離れても
Even if we were to part ways,
それぞれ 歩いていく
We'll each walk our own paths,
その先でまた 出会えると信じて
Believing that we'll meet again in the future.
ちぐはぐ だった はずの歩幅
Our steps, which were supposed to be out of sync,
ひとつのように 重なる
Now overlap like one,
Being by your side,
Even this ordinary moment,
I'll never forget it.
旅立ちの日 手を振る時
On the day of our departure, when we wave goodbye,
笑顔で いられるように
I want to be able to smile.
Like a sunflower,
Your kindness, so straightforward,
温もりを 全部
Your warmth, all of it,
返したいけれど 君のことだから
I want to return it to you, but because it's you,
もう充分だよって きっと言うかな
You'd probably say it's enough.
I want to be by your side.
Is there anything I can do for you?
I've always wanted you,
いつも君に ずっと君に
Always wanted you,
笑っていて ほしくて
To smile.
Like a sunflower,
Your kindness, so straightforward,
温もりを 全部
Your warmth, all of it,
これからは僕も 届けていきたい
From now on, I want to deliver it to you, too,
本当の幸せの意味を 見つけたから
Because I've found the true meaning of happiness.

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