カラオケ歌っちゃ王 - また君に会える (オリジナルアーティスト:ケツメイシ) [カラオケ] - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни カラオケ歌っちゃ王 - また君に会える (オリジナルアーティスト:ケツメイシ) [カラオケ]

また君に会える (オリジナルアーティスト:ケツメイシ) [カラオケ]
I'll See You Again (Original Artist: Ketsumeishi) [Karaoke]
また君に会える 季節の訪れに
I'll see you again when the season changes
君が綺麗になって 戻って来る
You'll come back and you'll be even more beautiful
少し大人になって 白い肌眩しくって
You'll be a little more grown-up, your skin will be dazzlingly white
今年の君は誰もが ほっとけないような程 綺麗で
This year, you're so beautiful that no one can ignore you
水際はしゃぐ 君は飾らず
You're not being frivolous when you're splashing in the water
でも 誰もかなわぬ程に輝く
But you're shining brighter than anyone else
打ち寄せる波 真夏の日差し
The waves are crashing, the summer sun is shining
潮風に揺られ なびいてる髪
Your hair is blowing in the sea breeze
Everyone on the beach is captivated by you
I can't help but think of you as a love that I'm confused about
Why do you look so dazzling?
夏の訪れが そうさせるのか
Is it because summer has come?
夏が君を それとも君が誘ったの?
Did summer bring you here, or did you invite it?
ここへ何度 通ったろう?
How many times have I been here?
いつもの少女は 何処かへ
The girl I used to know is gone
来る度 綺麗に 大人に
Every time I come, you're more beautiful and more grown-up
You're running through the sand, your footprints sinking in
光る髪は 潮風になびく
Your shining hair flows in the sea breeze
浴びる太陽 波音に抱かれ
You're bathed in the sun, embraced by the sound of the waves
手と手重ね 夏に RIDE ON
Our hands are clasped together, riding the summer waves
また君に会える 季節の訪れに
I'll see you again when the season changes
君が綺麗になって 戻って来る
You'll come back and you'll be even more beautiful
少し大人になって 白い肌眩しくって
You'll be a little more grown-up, your skin will be dazzlingly white
今年の君は誰もが ほっとけないような程 綺麗で
This year, you're so beautiful that no one can ignore you
波打ち際 僕呼ぶ声
My voice calling you from the shore
To the place where you're waving your small hand
光の中鮮やかな 花が咲く
A bright flower blooms in the light
Your wet, white skin is shining
この季節は 君を女神に 笑顔にする
This season turns you into a goddess, making you smile
水平線のよう 夢続く
My dreams continue like the horizon
また会えた 夏はここから
We met again, and summer starts here
I want to stay like this with you for a little while longer
Our body temperatures rise to match the scorching sun
We run along the beach, letting everything go
This season has come again this year
You're even more beautiful than last year
波音 潮風 水しぶき 弾む
The sound of the waves, the sea breeze, the spray, they're all bouncing
Before you, they all fade away
Next year, you'll change your dazzling appearance again
You'll appear here with summer
また君に会える 季節の訪れに
I'll see you again when the season changes
君が綺麗になって 戻って来る
You'll come back and you'll be even more beautiful
少し大人になって 白い肌眩しくって
You'll be a little more grown-up, your skin will be dazzlingly white
今年の君は誰もが ほっとけないような程 綺麗で
This year, you're so beautiful that no one can ignore you
蒼く透き通る 空に白い雲が踊る
The sky is clear and blue, and white clouds dance
今年 少し大人な君に溶けてく
This year, I'm melting into you, who's a little more grown-up
降りそそぐ光に 潮風にそよぐ
Swaying in the pouring sunlight and the sea breeze
今年また会えたこの夏に 溶けて行く
Melting into this summer where we met again this year
I'll take you with me
夏が終われば そっと君は
When summer ends, you'll quietly
Return to a place I don't know
If I can see you again
This love, this summer you
ほっとけはしないから 君を連れ去ってく
I can't let you go, I'll take you away
また君に会える 季節の訪れに
I'll see you again when the season changes
君が綺麗になって 戻って来る
You'll come back and you'll be even more beautiful
少し大人になって 白い肌眩しくって
You'll be a little more grown-up, your skin will be dazzlingly white
This year, you...
また君に会える 季節の訪れに
I'll see you again when the season changes
君が綺麗になって 戻って来る
You'll come back and you'll be even more beautiful
少し大人になって 白い肌眩しくって
You'll be a little more grown-up, your skin will be dazzlingly white
今年の君は誰もが ほっとけないような程 綺麗で
This year, you're so beautiful that no one can ignore you
浜辺素足のままで 駆け出す
Running along the beach barefoot
見るものの視線 奪うわけなく
Not caring about the eyes of others
暑さが増す この季節が織りなす
The heat intensifies, the season weaves
A rhythm that makes my heart dance
恋を重ねて 大人になって
As Iを重ねて大人になって
女の子は 皆そうなりたくて
来る夏ごとに 変わってくね
また僕の心を さらってくれ

カラオケ歌っちゃ王 - ケツメイシ BEST カラオケ
ケツメイシ BEST カラオケ
дата релиза

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