カラオケ歌っちゃ王 - 今走り出せば (オリジナルアーティスト:いきものがかり) (カラオケ) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни カラオケ歌っちゃ王 - 今走り出せば (オリジナルアーティスト:いきものがかり) (カラオケ)

今走り出せば (オリジナルアーティスト:いきものがかり) (カラオケ)
If I Run Now (Original Artist: Ikimonogakari) (Karaoke)
Within the limited days we've met,
何を手にしたんだろう? 何を見つけたんだろう?
What have we gained? What have we found?
Let's inscribe the words we've drawn in our hearts.
It's a premonition of the "beginning" of the next day.
どこでつまずいたって構わないけど 出来る全ての事を探してくんだよ
It's okay if you stumble anywhere, but search for everything you can do.
あの日交わした約束がね 今日の僕等を繋いで ほら今風になる
The promise we made that day, it connects us today, and now let's turn into the wind.
飛び出して 明日のね扉をね 開ける旅に出んだって
Leaping out, we embarked on a journey to open the door of tomorrow,
There's a future we can reach now.
いつからか 「解ってた」本当のね 自分を確かめんだって
Since some time ago, I've "known" the real truth, and I'll prove it to myself,
The answer beyond believing in each other,
そう僕等きっと見つけ出すんだ この場所を踏み出して
Yes, we'll surely find it, stepping out of this place.
Every shining day passes by like a dream,
And before we know it, the place we are now is an irreplaceable place.
For example, even if we become separated,
分かち合ったものがある 「オモイデ」という時間
There's something we share, the "memory" of time.
そこに明日が見えなくても いつの日かの君は言うの「ほらまだ道がある」
Even if tomorrow can't be seen there, someday you'll say, "Look, there's still a path."
抜け出して 心のね不安をね 越える僕になんだって
Breaking out, I'll become a person who overcomes my anxieties,
There's a future I've always seen,
届くかな 迷ってた自分とね もう一度向き合うんだって
I wonder if I can reach it, facing myself with all the doubts, we'll confront each other once again,
The scenery of the familiar town,
いつもより少し輝いたんだ この胸に瞬いて
Shone a little brighter than usual, sparkling in my chest.
飛び出して 明日のね扉をね 開ける旅に出んだって
Leaping out, we embarked on a journey to open the door of tomorrow,
There's a future we can reach now.
いつからか 「解ってた」本当のね 自分を確かめんだって
Since some time ago, I've "known" the real truth, and I'll prove it to myself,
The answer beyond believing in each other,
そう僕等きっと見つけ出すんだ この場所を踏み出して
Yes, we'll surely find it, stepping out of this place.

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