カラオケ歌っちゃ王 - 僕の宝物 (オリジナルアーティスト:シクラメン) (カラオケ) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни カラオケ歌っちゃ王 - 僕の宝物 (オリジナルアーティスト:シクラメン) (カラオケ)

僕の宝物 (オリジナルアーティスト:シクラメン) (カラオケ)
My Precious Jewel (Original Artist: Cyclamen) (Karaoke)
Time and time again, "thank you" is not enough to express my feelings
どんな時もそばにいるよ ずっと守り続けたい 宝物
I will always be by your side, and I will continue to protect you, my treasure
少し照れ臭いけど 真面目に話すよ 気持ち伝えたいよ
Although it's a little embarrassing, I will speak my mind honestly and convey my feelings
数ある奇跡的な出会い 何億通りもある中で 君と出会って
Out of billions of wonderful encounters, fate brought you to me
時間を重ねて 心を重ねて ほんの少しだけど気付いた
Through time spent together, our hearts have grown closer, and I have finally realized something
答えなんていらなくて 探してもいない
I don't need answers, and I'm not searching for them
沢山笑い合い 沢山泣き合い共に生きてく
We have shared laughter and tears, and we will continue to live together
たったそれだけの事で幸せ ただ幸せなんだよ
That alone is enough to make me happy, truly happy
Time and time again, "thank you" is not enough to express my feelings
君が僕にくれたものは かけがいのないもの
What you have given me is irreplaceable
少しでも「ありがとう」 この気持が届きますように
I hope that even a small "thank you" will reach your heart
どんな時もそばにいるよ 大切だから ずっと守り続けたい 「宝物」
I will always be by your side because you are precious to me. I will continue to protect you, my "treasure"
楽しいときも 辛いときでも いつも側に居てくれて 背中を支えてくれた
In times of joy and sorrow, you have always been there for me, supporting me
頼んだわけじゃないのに 言わなくても わかってくれる事がうれしくて
Without you asking, you understand what I need, and that makes me happy
もしも君と出会えなかったら もしも君がいなくて 僕が一人なら
If I had never met you, if you were not here, and I was alone
こんなにも強くはなれない 一人じゃ生きていけない
I would not be as strong as I am now. I would not be able to live alone
溢れ出す「ありがとう」言葉だけじゃ伝えきれない 君が僕にくれたものは
My heart overflows with "thank you." Words cannot express it. What you have given me
目には見えないけど 少しでも「ありがとう」この気持ちが届きますように
although it's invisible, I hope that even a small "thank you" will reach your heart
どんな時もそばにいるよ 大切だから ずっと守り続けたい
I will always be by your side because you are precious to me. I will continue to protect you
人は"キセキのカケラ"を拾い集めては 出会い別れを繰り返していく
People gather fragments of miracles and experience encounters and partings
知ろうともせず 耳を傾けず 大事なものとは気付かずに
Without trying to understand, without listening, they fail to realize what is truly important
僕の一度しかない「命の灯」 これからも光輝き続ける
My one and only "flame of life" will continue to shine brightly
前を向いて歩ける 君が居るそれだけで
As long as you are here, I can keep moving forward
Time and time again, "thank you" is not enough to express my feelings
君が僕にくれたものは かけがいのないもの
What you have given me is irreplaceable
少しでも「ありがとう」 この気持が届きますように
I hope that even a small "thank you" will reach your heart
どんな時もそばにいるよ ずっと守り続けたい いつまでも
I will always be by your side and will continue to protect you, forever
生まれ変わって きっと次の僕でも 君は宝物
Even if we are reborn, in my next life you will still be my treasure

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