Follow the footsteps of your dreams, but leave behind your worries and doubts. Look, the decision is simple. Like the endless sky, keep your thoughts clear and pure, and never forget them.
胸の奥の迷いが 晴れることなんて ないけど 雨上がりの空に 心が揺さぶられた ら さあ旅立ちの時だ
The doubts in your heart may never vanish, but when your spirit is moved by the sky after the rain, then it's time to journey on.
catch it with your back and turn it into a tailwind, oh oh oh oh. There's no such thing as impossible, there's only possible. There's no such thing as despair, there's only hope.
Before you complain, take a step forward. Before you get discouraged, just take one step. Then, before you know it, you'll be on your second step. Even if it's just one foot, throw yourself into tomorrow.
the bone and hide your tears, oh oh oh oh. There's no such thing as impossible, there's only possible. There's no such thing as despair, there's only hope.
catch it with your back and turn it into a tailwind, oh oh oh oh. There's no such thing as impossible, there's only possible. There's no such thing as despair, there's only hope.
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