シェリル・ノーム starring May'n feat. ランカ・リー=中島愛 - 娘々スペシャルサービスメドレー(特盛) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский シェリル・ノーム starring May'n feat. ランカ・リー=中島愛 - 娘々スペシャルサービスメドレー(特盛)

Miss Macross Special Service Medley (Extra Large)
星を廻せ 世界のまんなかで
Spin the stars, in the center of the world
If you sneeze, butterflies will flutter in some forest
君が守るドアのかぎ デタラメ
The key to the door you guard is nonsense
An embarrassing story
舐め合っても ライオンは強い
Even if they lick each other, lions are strong
生き残りたい 生き残りたい
I want to survive, I want to survive
I still want to live
Guided by the constellations, now, we gaze at each other
生き残りたい 途方にくれて
I want to survive, feeling lost
Sparkling, withering away
本気の身体 見せつけるまで
Until I show you my true self
I won't sleep
Unwavering feelings
Because I hold hope that will never disappear in this hand
サヨナラを抱きしめて 愛しさを抱きしめて
Embracing goodbye, embracing love
君への思いで世界 埋め尽くしたい
With thoughts of you, I want to fill the world
ヒラリヒラリ飛んでった ポロリポロリ泣いちゃった
Fluttering, fluttering, it flew away, tearfully, tearfully, I cried
約束の地の果てで も一度会いたい
At the end of the promised land, I want to meet you again
(キューンキューン キューンキューン)
(Kyun kyun, kyun kyun)
私の彼は (私の彼は) パイロット
My boyfriend (my boyfriend) is a pilot
もし生まれ変わって また巡り会えるなら
If I'm reborn and we meet again
その時もきっと アタシを見つけだして
Even then, you'll surely find me
もう二度と離さないで 捕まえてて
Don't ever let me go again, hold me tight
ひとりじゃないと 囁いてほしい Planet
Whisper to me that I'm not alone, Planet
My song might keep living in your mind 愛しい人
My song might keep living in your mind, my love
貴方が いたから 歩いてこれた
Because you were here, I could walk on
I wasn't alone, was I?
I want an answer now
流星にまたがってあなたに急降下 ah-ah
Riding a shooting star, I'll dive down to you ah-ah
濃紺の星空に 私たち花火みたい
In the dark blue starry sky, we're like fireworks
My heart shoots an arrow of light
流星にまたがってあなたは急上昇 oh-oh
Riding a shooting star, you soar upwards oh-oh
けし粒の生命でも 私たち瞬いてる
Even as tiny specks of life, we're twinkling
魂に銀河 雪崩てく
A galaxy avalanches into my soul
魂に銀河 雪崩てく
A galaxy avalanches into my soul
Darlin' 近づいて 服従?
Darlin' come closer, surrender?
No you, no life ナンツッテ もう絶対!
No you, no life, just kidding, absolutely not!
Need your heart and need your love
Need your heart and need your love
Oh yes! スウィートでKiss!
Oh yes! Sweet and Kiss!
Even if it's a reckless love, let's Go!
There's no second chance, so let's be Happy!
No more chance! No rules!
No more chance! No rules!
Getしたいから ラララ I all give it to you
Because I want to Get it, la la la I all give it to you
Three! Hey, I count down
Three! Hey, I count down
Two! Are you ready?
Two! Are you ready?
One! もう待てないよ
One! I can't wait any longer
Zero! 愛、鳴らして!
Zero! Make love, ring out!
持ってけ 流星散らしてデイト
Take it, a date with shooting stars scattered
ジカに希有なファイト エクスタシー焦がしてよ
Burn up the ecstasy with a fight that's rare nearby
飛んでけ 想い届け Speed
Fly away, deliver your feelings Speed
Expanding infinitely
Heart 揺らしてあげる アゲル
I'll shake your Heart, shake it up
飛んでけ 時を越えてく
Fly away, transcending time
The depth depends on you
Heart 揺らして 愛をあげる
I'll shake your Heart, give you love
射手座 午後九時 Don't be late
Sagittarius, 9pm, Don't be late
Who will you kiss?
星を巡るよ 純情
I'll travel the stars, with pure heart
Taking the coward and crybaby with me
まだ行くんだと想う わたし
I still think I'll go on, me
愛するより求めるより (What do I do?)
More than loving, more than seeking (What do I do?)
疑うほうが ずっとたやすい 自分が悔しい
Doubting is much easier, I'm frustrated with myself
It hurts
Like being an ally but not loving
Like protecting but not being able to be by your side
A bitter dilemma
今すぐ タッチミー
Touch me right now
If it's fate, let us connect
Who will you kiss?
あたし それともあたし
Me, or me
With just one life on the line
いまふりかざす 感傷
Now I brandish my sentiment
With just one life on the line
いまふりかざす 感傷
Now I brandish my sentiment
With just one life on the line
いまふりかざす 感傷
Now I brandish my sentiment
ドクン ドクン ドクン
Dokun, dokun, dokun
I can hear it
ドクン ドクン ドクン
Dokun, dokun, dokun
アイモ アイモ ネーデル ルーシェ
Aimo, aimo, neder, ruche
ノイナ ミリア エンデル プロデア フォトミ
Noina, miria, ender, proデア photomi
This is a warm sea
Three! Baby どうしたい?操縦
Three! Baby, what do you want to do? Take control
Two! ハンドル ぎゅっと握って もう スタンバイ
Two! Grip the wheel tight, get ready
One! 覚悟はどうぉー?
One! Are you ready?
Zero! 愛、鳴らして!
Zero! Make love, ring out!
(What 'bout my star?)
(What 'bout my star?)
(What 'bout my star?)
(What 'bout my star?)
Guided by it, now, we gaze at each other
(What 'bout my star?)
(What 'bout my star?)
生き残りたい 途方にくれて
I want to survive, feeling lost
Sparkling, withering away
本気の身体 見せつけるまで
Until I show you my true self
I won't sleep
おぼえていますか 目と目が会った時を
Do you remember when our eyes met?
おぼえていますか 手と手が触れあった時
Do you remember when our hands touched?
Why was I born?
Why am I here?
生き残りたい 埋まらない傷
I want to survive, the wound that won't heal
I was afraid of the light
The permitted lives, now, are drawn to each other
さまよい果てて 君のとなりで
Wandering to the end, by your side
I want to calm the heat
本気の身体 見せつけるまで
Until I show you my true self
I won't sleep
生き残りたい がけっぷちでいい
I want to survive, even on the edge
I love you
The awakened lives, now, are drawn to each other
狂気に代えて 祈り捧ぐよ
Instead of madness, I offer a prayer
I love you
Guided by the constellations, now, we gaze at each other
生き残りたい まだ生きてたい
I want to survive, I still want to live
I love you
Guided by the constellations...
生き残りたい まだ生きてたい
I want to survive, I still want to live
I love you
Until I show you my true heart
I won't sleep

Авторы: Gabriela Robin, H∧l, Hàl, マイク杉山, 佐藤 大, 佐藤大, 加藤和彦, 安井かずみ, 岩里祐穂, 松本 隆, 真名杏樹, 羽田健太郎, 菅野よう子, 阿佐 茜

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