フランシュシュ - REVENGE - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни フランシュシュ - REVENGE

Wow-oh-oh, wow-oh-oh
Wow-oh-oh, wow-oh-oh
Wow-oh-oh, wow-oh-oh
Wow-oh-oh, wow-oh-oh
Wow-oh-oh, wow-oh-oh, wow-oh
Wow-oh-oh, wow-oh-oh, wow-oh
時は戻らない 向き合うだけ
Time won't turn back, I just face it
過去の栄光は 遠ざかるもの
Past glories fade away
粘って行こう Never give up again
I'll keep going, never give up again
To give meaning to defeat
立ち上がって 振りかざせ 傷付いた腕を
I stand up and raise my wounded arms
苦汁飲んで Could you stand up? Again
Swallowing the bitter pill, could you stand up? Again
引き際とか 弁えなんて
Knowing when to quit?
弱音が 遺言じゃ 終われない
Weakness isn't my last will and testament, I can't end like this
再起に賭けろ 七転びしても
I'll bet on revival, even if I fall seven times
途切れた 溜め込んだ 願いを吐き出せ
I'll pour out my pent-up, interrupted wishes
例え勝ち目のない戦いでも 夢も覚悟も変わらない
Even if it's a hopeless battle, my dreams and resolve won't change
失望を 屈辱を 失敗を 後悔を炎にくべて 高く狼煙を
Disappointment, humiliation, failure, regret, I'll set them ablaze, raising a smoke signal high
いつか世界中が見放しても 命の限り挑もう
Even if the whole world abandons me someday, I'll challenge it as long as I live
決断を 執念を 挽回を 復活を遂げて眩しい魂
Decision, tenacity, recovery, resurrection, my dazzling soul achieved
I'll thrust it at you
しがみつき抗う様は決して 美しくない
The way I cling and resist is certainly not beautiful
よじ登って 食い下がって 性懲りも無く
Climbing, clinging, relentlessly
希望抱いて Keep on going ずっと
Embracing hope, keep on going, always
生き恥なんて 気のせいにして
I'll pretend living in shame is just my imagination
未練だって 起爆剤にするくらい
I'll even use regret as a detonator
祈りの手より 手管を尽くして
Instead of praying, I'll exhaust every trick I have
理不尽に 耐え切った 決意を貫け
I'll pierce through the absurdity, I've endured, my resolve unwavering
例えまた未来を 奪われたって 立ち向かわずにいられない
Even if my future is stolen again, I can't help but confront it
軽蔑に 失笑に 中傷に 雑言に 向かって謳え むせぶ嵐を
Against the contempt, the ridicule, the slander, the abuse, I'll sing into the choking storm
誰も見たことない 起死回生のシナリオにただ進もう
I'll just keep moving forward, towards an unprecedented, come-from-behind scenario
喝采を 成功を 瞬間を 運命を踏み出す 可能性 時代に
Applause, success, the moment, destiny, I'll step into possibility, into the era
I'll make you see
走り倒れた最後を 空が許したとしても
Even if the sky forgives my collapsed, final run
爪跡は 残せてない 犬死になんて許せない
If I haven't left my mark, I won't forgive a dog's death
例え勝ち目のない戦いでも 沸る心にブレは無い
Even if it's a hopeless battle, my boiling heart won't waver
贖罪の 幸福の 撤退の 撤回を 革命の 作戦の 団結の 続行を
Atonement, happiness, retreat, retraction, revolution, strategy, unity, continuation
失望を 屈辱を 失敗を 後悔を炎にくべて 高く狼煙を
Disappointment, humiliation, failure, regret, I'll set them ablaze, raising a smoke signal high
いつか世界中が見放しても 命の限り挑もう
Even if the whole world abandons me someday, I'll challenge it as long as I live
決断を 執念を 挽回を 復活を遂げて 眩しい魂
Decision, tenacity, recovery, resurrection, my dazzling soul achieved
I'll thrust it at you

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