中村舞子 - HAPPY calling WISE - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 中村舞子 - HAPPY calling WISE

HAPPY calling WISE
HAPPY calling WISE
You appeared before me as an angel
The spell you cast was like Magic
Together everything is safe
I'm convinced this meeting is fate
Like magnets, we are drawn to each other
No one else can compare to you
Calling out loudly is useless
君こそおれだけのOnly one!
You are my one and only!
The feelings I have for you have started
このまま I won't stop ずっと
I won't stop in this way, always
弱虫なこれまでの私と さよならするの
I'll say goodbye to the weak me of the past
Anxiety never goes away
それでも賭けてみたい 今は
But I want to bet on it now
君の笑顔は何よりもspecial one
Your smile is special than anything
I finally found you
君といれるだけで It'll be alright
Just being with you, it'll be alright
そう 思い届くその日まで
Until that day reaches us
たとえ どんな時も そばにいるよ
No matter what, I'll be there
夜空に光る星 集めてここに
Collecting the stars that shine in the night sky
輝くすべて 君に届けよう
Let me deliver everything that shines to you
ただ 言葉じゃなくて 存在がすべて
Not just words, but existence is everything
You're always special one
You're always special one
いつでも君だけ見ているよ この先も
I'm always watching only you even in the future
いつだって君だけを想ってる 想ってるよ
I'm always thinking of you
My feelings overflowing for you
Will change to my strength
強がりなありのままの君も 受け止めるから
I accept even the true you who's acting tough
君を想うだけで It'll be alright
Just thinking about you, it'll be alright
そう 願い叶う その日まで
Until that day comes true
たとえ どんな時も そばにいるよ
No matter what, I'll be there
夜空に光る星 集めてここに
Collecting the stars that shine in the night sky
輝くすべて 君に届けよう
Let me deliver everything that shines to you
ただ 言葉じゃなくて 存在がすべて
Not just words, but existence is everything
You're always special one
You're always special one
いつでも君だけ見ているよ この先も
I'm always watching only you even in the future
いつだって君だけを想ってる 想ってるよ
I'm always thinking of you
Walking side by side on the promenade
If you're here, nothing matters
ないぜ 前説抜きにドンピシャ
No preface, it's perfect
ぴったりの相性でWe won't stop!
We won't stop with this perfect compatibility!
君となら 夢見れるから
Because I can dream with you
100倍楽しい毎日 I wanna be with you
100 times more fun every day, I wanna be with you
合わせる呼吸 この愛おくる最大級
Matching our breaths, this love is the greatest
ふたりの影 長く伸びて
The shadows of the two of us grow long
今ひとつに 重ねあった
Now one, overlapping
瞳に映る まぶしい光
The dazzling light reflected in my eyes
夜の空を 照らしだす
Illuminates the night sky
この空に光る星 集めてここに
Collecting the stars that shine in the sky
輝くすべて 君に届けよう
Let me deliver everything that shines to you
ただ 言葉じゃなくて 存在がすべて
Not just words, but existence is everything
You're always special one
You're always special one
いつでも君だけ見ているよ この先も
I'm always watching only you even in the future
いつだって君だけを想ってる 想ってるよ
I'm always thinking of you

Авторы: 中村 舞子, 中村 舞子, THE COMPANY, THE COMPANY

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