久住小春 - i miss you - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 久住小春 - i miss you

i miss you
i miss you
初(はじ)めて話(はな)したのは あなたの小(ちい)さな「ありがとう」で
Our first conversation, was you uttering "Thank you" in a dainty voice
見(み)つめ合(あ)う二人(ふたり)の時間(じかん)は 永遠(えいえん)に続(つづ)くと想(おも)ってた
The moments of us staring into each other's eyes felt like they would span an eternity
もう一度(いちど)だけ逢(あ)えたなら 何(なに)を話(はな)そう
If I could meet you just one more time, what would I say?
手(て)のひらから 微笑(ほほえ)みが こぼれてゆくの
Smiles overflow from the palms of my hands
I miss you 言葉(ことば)にできないくらいの
I miss you, it's to the point that I can't put it into words
心(こころ)の奥(おく) 響(ひび)いているわ
They resonate deep within my heart
Last day Oh Last dream 止まらない鼓動(こどう)に
Last day oh last dream, to the beat of this incessant throbbing
朝(あさ)が来(く)ればまた 動(うご)き出(だ)した街(まち)
When morning comes, the city finally starts to stir
帰(かえ)り道(みち)はいつでも 見(み)えなくなるまで手(て)を振(ふ)ってたね
On the way home, we would always wave each other goodbye until we could no longer see each other
夕映(ゆうば)えに溶(と)けてゆくような 姿(すがた)がなつかしいあの頃(ころ)
Your figure, as it faded into the setting sun, is something I yearn for from back then
つないだ手(て)のぬくもりが 憶(おぼ)えていたの
The warmth of our intertwined hands, I still remember it too
私(わたし) 今(いま)、切(せつ)なくて胸(むね)が苦(くる)しいよ
Right now, my heart aches with a sorrow
I miss you 優(やさ)しくまっすぐな瞳(ひとみ)に
I miss you, to your gentle and unwavering gaze
Am I still reflected in your eyes?
Last day Oh Last dream 遠(とお)くに離(はな)れてる
Last day oh last dream, so far apart
あなたにこの声(こえ) 聞(き)こえますか? 輝(かがや)く星(ほし)たち キレイ(きれい)ね 願(ねが)いをこめて 夜空(よぞら)を照(て)らす
Can you hear my voice from there? The twinkling stars are beautiful. I make a wish and illuminate the night sky
輝(かがや)く星(ほし)たち キレイ(きれい)ね 願(ねが)いをこめて 夜空(よぞら)を照(て)らす
The twinkling stars are beautiful. I make a wish and illuminate the night sky
I miss you 言葉(ことば)にできないくらいの
I miss you, it's to the point that I can't put it into words
心(こころ)の奥(おく) 響(ひび)いているわ
They resonate deep within my heart
Last day Oh Last dream止(と)まらない鼓動(こどう)に 朝(あさ)が始(はじ)まりを告(つ)げる
Last day oh last dream, to the beat of this incessant throbbing, morning announces its beginning
I miss you 優(やさ)しくまっすぐな瞳(ひとみ)に 私(わたし)はまだ写(うつ)っているの?
I miss you, to your gentle and unwavering gaze, am I still reflected in your eyes?
Last day Oh Last dream 遠(とお)くに離(はら)れてる あなたにこの声(こえ) 届(とど)けに行(い)くから
Last day oh last dream, so far apart, I'll go to you to deliver these words

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