九州男 - 手紙。。feat.hiroko(mihimaru GT) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 九州男 - 手紙。。feat.hiroko(mihimaru GT)

手紙。。feat.hiroko(mihimaru GT)
Letter ..feat. hiroko(mihimaru GT)
「お元気ですか? 変わりはありませんか?」
Are you well? Has anything changed?
こんなに目の前に夢が溢れてるのに 光ってるものは後方に
Though there are so many dreams overflowing right before my eyes, the things that shine are behind me
全てリュックに詰め込んで来たはずなのに なぜ?
I packed everything into my backpack, but why?
The only thing that reaches me now in the end is a cold wind
In the shop window, only my reflection appears as I warm my hands with my breath
どれくらい経ったんだ あれから。。
How long ago was it? That...
No matter how cheerfully I force a smile
本当は会いたくて ちゃんと繋がってたくて
The truth is, I miss you, I want us to be together
東京の雨は冷たく また一人にするの
Tokyo's rain is cold, making me lonely again
It even drowns out your voice
It's easy to say that I'm always well
But no matter how hard I pretend to be strong, I only get lonelier
You're always beside me, walking side by side
I hope this reaches you
「お元気ですか? 変わりはありませんか?」
Are you well? Has anything changed?
懐かしい記憶をてくてく歩いてく 淡く暖かい景色が廻る
I walk along nostalgic memories, surrounded by faint, warm scenery
海に山に川 いつもの道、急な階段や坂
The sea, the mountains, the river, the usual path, the steep stairs and slope
絶えず笑い声が漏れてる我が家 肩をポンと叩いてくる仲間
Laughter constantly fills the air in my home, my friends pat me on the shoulder
またな! と君が笑ってる 輝いてる光へと消えてく
So long! You say with a smile, disappearing into the shining light
夕闇がそっと心を包み込んで 切ない憧れと共に夢の中
The twilight gently embraces my heart, carrying my yearning and dreams into my sleep
いくつもの宝物 必要なものはどれ?
So many treasures, which one do I need?
どこかで拾った 大切なものはどこへ?
Where is the precious one I picked up somewhere?
I pretend to be strong again today, saying I'm always well
But a tear of longing falls
You're always beside me, walking side by side
I hope this reaches you
I want to see you. Can you hear me?
Even if the same things appear differently now
And time pushes us forward
青い空でつながってるよ 白い雲が想いを運んでくよ
We're still connected under the blue sky, the white clouds carry our thoughts
We can't go back to the past
But I believe we'll meet again someday
So now, I'll make my thoughts into a letter, and send it to you in the depths of my eyelids
忘れたことはないよ 励みにして頑張ってるよ
I've never forgotten you, you've always been my inspiration
また笑い合いたいよ そっちは今・・・
I want to laugh with you again, how are you doing now...
It's easy to say that I'm always well
But no matter how hard I pretend to be strong, I only get lonelier
You're always beside me, walking side by side
I hope this reaches you
I pretend to be strong again today, saying I'm always well
But a tear of longing falls
You're always beside me, walking side by side
I hope this reaches you
I love you. Can you hear me?

Авторы: . Kusuo, . Hiroko, . Aili

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