五月天 - 出頭天+憨人 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 五月天 - 出頭天+憨人

Out Standing + Fool
在我的天頂 甘有人會看見 看到我不甘願這樣過一生
At my zenith Would anyone see That I'm not willing to live like this in my life
在我的一生 我甘願來相信 每一朵花都有自己的春天
In my life I'm willing to believe That each flower has its own spring
在我的天頂 大雨落不停 也不能改變到我的固執
At my zenith The rain keeps falling And my stubbornness cannot be changed
永遠等待 那一日 咱可以出頭天 人生不怕風浪 只怕自己沒志氣
Always waiting for That day we can stand out Don't fear the storms of life Just fear your own lack of determination
那一日 咱可以出頭天 我盼望的日子 會真快來到阮身邊
That day we can stand out The day I look forward to Will come quickly to my side
在我的天頂 甘有人在保佑 怎樣我常常摔的頭殼流血
At my zenith Is anyone praying for me That's why I often hit my head and bleed
血乾會結痂 失敗也不失志 成功是咱自己看自己得起
The blood will scab The failures will not make me lose my heart Success is seeing your own value
飄浪的日子 等待著時機 我不信命運會這麼無情
Wandering and waiting for the right time I don't believe that fate is so merciless
永遠等待 那一日 咱可以出頭天 人生不怕風浪 只怕自己沒志氣
Always waiting for That day we can stand out Don't fear the storms of life Just fear your own lack of determination
那一日 咱可以出頭天 我盼望的日子 會真快來到阮身邊
That day we can stand out The day I look forward to Will come quickly to my side
永遠等待 那一日 咱可以出頭天 人生不怕風浪 只怕自己沒志氣
Always waiting for That day we can stand out Don't fear the storms of life Just fear your own lack of determination
那一日 咱可以出頭天 我盼望的日子 會真快來到阮身邊
That day we can stand out The day I look forward to Will come quickly to my side
咱可以出頭天 人生不怕風浪 只怕自己沒志氣
We can stand out Don't fear the storms of life Just fear your own lack of determination
那一日 咱可以出頭天 我盼望的日子 會真快來到阮身邊
That day we can stand out The day I look forward to Will come quickly to my side
To my side
我有我的路 有我的夢
I have my own path My own dreams
夢中的那個世界 甘講伊是一場空
The world in my dreams Can only be said to be empty
我走過的路 只有希望
The path I have walked Has only hope
希望你我講過的話 放在心肝內 總有一天
I hope the words you and I said Are kept in our hearts One day
我知道總會有一天 總會有一天 總會有一天
I know that one day One day One day

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