五月天 - 生存以上 生活以下 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 五月天 - 生存以上 生活以下

生存以上 生活以下
Survival Above, Living Below
連刷牙 也照著節奏 沖了馬桶 洗了臉上的疲倦泡沫
Even brushing my teeth, I follow the beat, flushing the toilet, washing away the fatigue on my face.
沒有夢 昨夜沒有夢 鏡子裡的 陌生人已經不再做夢
No dreams, no dreams last night, the stranger in the mirror no longer dreams.
上課鐘 變成打卡鐘 單行道般 的人生流失在車陣中
The school bell has become a time clock, life on a one-way street lost in the traffic.
進行曲 規律的平庸 活的像是 一句標語押韻而服從
A march, a rhythm of mediocrity, living like a slogan, rhyming and obeying.
午餐是 隨便還是 都好還是 跟你一樣 的任何一種
Lunch is whatever, anything, the same as you, any kind.
奇怪呢 很久以前 我是很有 想法主見 心跳很執著
It's strange, long ago I had many ideas, opinions, my heart was persistent.
傷心再也不吹風 現在只害怕傷風 耽誤了誰和誰的要求
Heartbreak no longer brings tears, now I only fear catching a cold, delaying someone's demands.
一天一天 看日昇日落 看月圓月缺 年復一年的經過
Day by day, watching the sun rise and set, the moon wax and wane, year after year passes by.
Watching who turned me into who I am today.
怕潮起潮落 怕患得患失 錯了又錯的疼痛
Afraid of the highs and lows, afraid of gains and losses, the pain of mistakes.
終於我的生命只剩生存 活著只會呼吸吃飯喝水的生活
Finally, my life is only about survival, living only to breathe, eat, and drink.
小時候 只要看天空 枕著白雲 就覺得全世界都擁有
As a child, just looking at the sky, resting on the white clouds, I felt like I owned the world.
長大了 擁有的更多 為何感覺 到越來越匱乏越貧窮
Growing up, I have more, why do I feel increasingly lacking and poor?
那一年 只追逐自由 現在只能 追逐著漲不停的石油
That year, I only pursued freedom, but now I can only pursue the rising price of oil.
是不是 地殼又震動 要從家裡 震落才悔恨這樣生活
Is the earth shaking again? I have to be shaken out of my home to regret living this way?
生活的 反面會是 死去還是 這般生存 不再有衝動
The opposite of life is death or this kind of existence with no passion?
閉上眼 就能感覺 生命正在 一分一秒 飛奔遠離我
Closing my eyes, I can feel life slipping away from me, second by second.
還不如一隻昆蟲 至少能破繭展翅 飛向那被奪走的天空
It's not even as good as an insect that can break out of its cocoon and fly to the sky that was taken away.
一天一天 看日昇日落 看月圓月缺 年復一年的經過
Day by day, watching the sun rise and set, the moon wax and wane, year after year passes by.
Watching who turned me into who I am today.
怕潮起潮落 怕患得患失 錯了又錯的疼痛
Afraid of the highs and lows, afraid of gains and losses, the pain of mistakes.
終於我的生命只剩生存 活著只會呼吸吃飯喝水的生活
Finally, my life is only about survival, living only to breathe, eat, and drink.
一年有 三百六十 五個日子 五十二萬 五千多分鐘
There are three hundred and sixty-five days in a year, five hundred and twenty-five thousand minutes.
一生有 三十四億 五千六百 七十八萬 九千下脈搏
There are three billion, four hundred and fifty-six million, seven hundred and eighty-nine thousand heartbeats in a lifetime.
為愛而出生之後 生命要怎麼揮霍 直到我化成煙的時候
After being born for love, how should life be squandered until I turn to dust?
一天一天 看日昇日落 看月圓月缺 年復一年的經過
Day by day, watching the sun rise and set, the moon wax and wane, year after year passes by.
Watching who turned me into who I am today.
怕潮起潮落 怕患得患失 錯了又錯的疼痛
Afraid of the highs and lows, afraid of gains and losses, the pain of mistakes.
終於我的生命只剩生存 活著只會呼吸吃飯喝水
Finally, my life is only about survival, living only to breathe, eat, and drink.
一天一天 看日昇日落 看月圓月缺 年復一年的經過
Day by day, watching the sun rise and set, the moon wax and wane, year after year passes by.
I used to be so unique.
怕潮起潮落 怕患得患失 錯了又錯的疼痛
Afraid of the highs and lows, afraid of gains and losses, the pain of mistakes.
終於我的生命只剩生存 活著只會呼吸吃飯喝水的生活
Finally, my life is only about survival, living only to breathe, eat, and drink.
連刷牙 也照著節奏 然後設定了明天 六點半的鬧鐘
Even brushing my teeth, I follow the beat, and set my alarm for six-thirty tomorrow morning.

Авторы: 阿 信, Ma Sha, 阿 信, Cai Sheng Yan

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