五月天 - 香水 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 五月天 - 香水

十字軍從 東方凱旋 獻上最美 的詩篇
The crusaders have returned from the East in triumph, presenting the most beautiful poem
你的魔法 愛情的霸權 為你臣服 為你捍衛
Your magic, the supremacy of love, I surrender to you, I will defend you
為了徹底 描寫你的美 壯烈犧牲 一萬朵玫瑰
In order to fully depict your beauty, 10,000 roses were heroically sacrificed
再用虔誠 細細的提煉 讓愛情海 吻在你耳背
Then, with devotion, you carefully extracted the essence, letting the sea of love kiss your ear
啦啦啦啦啦 你想要世界 啦啦啦啦啦 就給你世界
La la la la la You want the world La la la la la I'll give you the world
啦啦啦啦啦 讓感性撒野 啦啦啦啦啦 讓理智全滅
La la la la la Let's let our emotions run wild La la la la la Let's cast aside all rationality
啦啦啦啦啦 你是 亂世最美的香水
La la la la la You are the most beautiful perfume in this chaotic world
對你深深崇拜 深深迷戀 深深的沉醉
I deeply adore you, I am deeply infatuated with you, I am deeply intoxicated by you
深深愛上一種 香香的狂顛
I have fallen deeply in love with a kind of fragrant madness
對你深深崇拜 深深迷戀 深深的沉醉
I deeply adore you, I am deeply infatuated with you, I am deeply intoxicated by you
深深愛上一種 奉獻的哲學
I have fallen deeply in love with a philosophy of devotion
獻上快樂 獻上傷悲 獻上自我 獻上世界
I offer you happiness, I offer you sorrow, I offer you myself, I offer you the world
塞納河畔 鬧市炊煙 混雜人間 小愚昧
On the banks of the Seine, the smell of a bustling market, mingled with a bit of human folly
你的出現 將氣氛改寫 空氣轉變 聖潔感覺
Your appearance changes the atmosphere, the air transforms, a holy feeling
青蘋果是 你野蠻的甜 牛奶與蜜 是你的語言
Green apples are your untamed sweetness, milk and honey are your language
沉默尤其 是一種迷迭 當你無心 輕輕的拒絕
Silence, above all, is a kind of rosemary, when you unintentionally, gently refuse
啦啦啦啦啦 你想要世界 啦啦啦啦啦 就給你世界
La la la la la You want the world La la la la la I'll give you the world
啦啦啦啦啦 讓感性撒野 啦啦啦啦啦 讓理智全滅
La la la la la Let's let our emotions run wild La la la la la Let's cast aside all rationality
啦啦啦啦啦 你是 亂世最美的香水
La la la la la You are the most beautiful perfume in this chaotic world
對你深深崇拜 深深迷戀 深深的沉醉
I deeply adore you, I am deeply infatuated with you, I am deeply intoxicated by you
深深愛上一種 香香的狂顛
I have fallen deeply in love with a kind of fragrant madness
對你深深崇拜 深深迷戀 深深的沉醉
I deeply adore you, I am deeply infatuated with you, I am deeply intoxicated by you
深深愛上一種 奉獻的哲學
I have fallen deeply in love with a philosophy of devotion
獻上快樂 獻上傷悲 獻上自我 獻上世界
I offer you happiness, I offer you sorrow, I offer you myself, I offer you the world
馬蹄踏平了國界 野心磨破了披肩
Horse hooves trampled across borders, ambition wore away the cape
Muggles and magic rings were mobilized to find the ingredients to mix your fragrance
櫻桃和櫻花纏綿 茉莉和沒藥拼貼
Cherry blossoms and jasmine intertwined, myrrh and patchouli collaged together
A blend of chanson and Champs-Élysées, perhaps with a touch of tears
就算你沒有答應 就算你也不拒絕
Even if you don't agree, even if you don't refuse
Even if I never intended to escape or retreat
就讓我活到脫軌 就讓我愛到脫線
Let me live off the rails, let me love without boundaries
Let me be born for love, for a thousand centuries of endless reincarnation
為你獻上快樂傷悲 為你獻上我的世界
For you, I offer happiness and sorrow, for you, I offer my world
對你深深崇拜 深深迷戀 深深的沉醉
I deeply adore you, I am deeply infatuated with you, I am deeply intoxicated by you
深深愛上一種 香香的狂顛
I have fallen deeply in love with a kind of fragrant madness
對你深深崇拜 深深迷戀 深深的沉醉
I deeply adore you, I am deeply infatuated with you, I am deeply intoxicated by you
深深愛上一種 奉獻的哲學
I have fallen deeply in love with a philosophy of devotion
獻上快樂 獻上傷悲 獻上自我 獻上世界
I offer you happiness, I offer you sorrow, I offer you myself, I offer you the world
對你深深崇拜 深深迷戀 深深的沉醉
I deeply adore you, I am deeply infatuated with you, I am deeply intoxicated by you
深深愛上一種 香香的狂顛
I have fallen deeply in love with a kind of fragrant madness
對你深深深崇拜 深深深迷戀 深深的沉醉
I deeply, deeply adore you, I am deeply, deeply infatuated with you, I am deeply intoxicated by you
深深愛上一種 奉獻的哲學
I have fallen deeply in love with a philosophy of devotion
獻上快樂 獻上傷悲 獻上自我 獻上世界
I offer you happiness, I offer you sorrow, I offer you myself, I offer you the world
獻上快樂 獻上傷悲 獻上自我 獻上世界
I offer you happiness, I offer you sorrow, I offer you myself, I offer you the world

Авторы: 阿 信, Guan You, 阿 信

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