亦帆 - 你不准愛我 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 亦帆 - 你不准愛我

You are not allowed to love me
告訴她說你選擇我 你敢說 我就敢跟你走
Say, tell her that you choose me, if you dare to say it, I dare to go with you
還想拖到什麼時候 才肯說你們愛得比我久
Drag, when are you going to drag until you are willing to say that you have loved her for longer than me
我不心痛你想回頭 我難過 你只對她愧疚
Pain, I am not heartbroken that you want to return, I am sad you only feel guilty toward her
我是你短暫透氣的窗口 而她才是你回家唯一理由
If, I am the temporary window for you to take a breath of fresh air, and she is the only reason for you to return home
You played with fire in my world
Turned around to see her helpless tears falling
一個人貪心闖禍 兩個人不知所措 三個人愛到被恨淹沒
One person's greed caused trouble, two people are at a loss, three people love until they are drowned by hate
你沒資格愛我 你憑什麼愛我
You are not qualified to love me, why do you love me
那些偷來 的快樂 我不收
Those stolen happiness, I don't accept
不敢牽我的手 就不用殘忍放手 把錯覺當成愛 太墮落
Don't dare to hold my hand, then don't ruthlessly let go, taking illusion as love is too degenerate
你沒有資格愛我 你要拿什麼愛我
You are not qualified to love me, what do you want to use to love me
再美的煙火燦爛過 剩什麼
No matter how beautiful the fireworks are, what is left after they are over
離不開她的溫柔 戒不掉對愛自私和懦弱
Can't leave her tenderness, can't give up selfishness and cowardice for love
全世界誰都能愛我 不准愛我
Everyone in the world can love me, you are not allowed to love me
You played with fire in my world
Turned around to see her helpless tears falling
一個人貪心闖禍 兩個人不知所措 三個人愛到被恨淹沒
One person's greed caused trouble, two people are at a loss, three people love until they are drowned by hate
你沒資格愛我 你憑什麼愛我
You are not qualified to love me, why do you love me
那些該還 的快樂 你拿走
Those happiness I should repay, you take them away
遺憾的話別說 不用勉強當朋友 這點灑脫我想 我還有
Don't say regretful words, don't force to be friends, I think I still have this bit of灑脫
你沒有資格愛我 你要拿什麼愛我
You are not qualified to love me, what do you want to use to love me
再美的煙火燦爛過 剩墜落
No matter how beautiful the fireworks are, what is left after they are over is falling
離不開她的溫柔 戒不掉對愛自私和懦弱
Can't leave her tenderness, can't give up selfishness and cowardice for love
全世界誰都能愛我 不准愛我
Everyone in the world can love me, you are not allowed to love me

Авторы: Wen Liang Fang (aka Wu Er Qi), Yu Xun Xiao, Fei Bi Zhou

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