亦帆 - 你摩托車的後座 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 亦帆 - 你摩托車的後座

Your Motorcycle's Backseat
你指著萬家燈火 說將來送一盞給我
You pointed at the myriad lights and said you would give me one in the future
不論日子過得貧窮 還是富有
No matter how poor or rich our lives might be
Together we will eat rice when there is rice, and soup when there is soup
你畫著夢想閣樓 嬰兒房像動物星球
You sketched out a future dream house, a nursery like an animal safari
你說你會拼命工作 努力奮鬥
You said you would work hard and fight for our future
In the future, my baby and I will be cheering you on
也許會煩惱 柴米油塩 也許會討厭電視情節
Perhaps we might worry about food, fuel, and rent, and maybe even get annoyed by soap operas
也許世界的灰 遮住閃亮的從前
Perhaps the world's grayness will obscure our former radiance
約好坐上摩托車 就和好不爭辯
Let's agree that we'll just get on the motorcycle and make up without arguing
你摩托車的 後座 有著零距離 的溫柔
The backseat of your motorcycle has an intimate warmth
看你認真的輪廓 是我穩固的扶手
Seeing your focused profile gives me a steady hand to hold
I feel at ease dreaming while leaning on your shoulder
你摩托車的 後座 是我專屬的 情人座
The backseat of your motorcycle is a lover's seat just for me
I love listening to your heartbeat as I hold you from behind
說謝謝你愛我 比我愛你多更多
I want to thank you for loving me even more than I love you
你指著萬家燈火 說將來送一盞給我
You pointed at the myriad lights and said you would give me one in the future
不論日子過得貧窮 還是富有
No matter how poor or rich our lives might be
Together we will eat rice when there is rice, and soup when there is soup
你畫著夢想閣樓 嬰兒房像動物星球
You sketched out a future dream house, a nursery like an animal safari
你說你會拼命工作 努力奮鬥
You said you would work hard and fight for our future
In the future, my baby and I will be cheering you on
也許會煩惱 柴米油塩 也許會討厭電視情節
Perhaps we might worry about food, fuel, and rent, and maybe even get annoyed by soap operas
也許世界的灰 遮住閃亮的從前
Perhaps the world's grayness will obscure our former radiance
約好坐上摩托車 就和好不爭辯
Let's agree that we'll just get on the motorcycle and make up without arguing
你摩托車的 後座 有著零距離 的溫柔
The backseat of your motorcycle has an intimate warmth
看你認真的輪廓 是我穩固的扶手
Seeing your focused profile gives me a steady hand to hold
I feel at ease dreaming while leaning on your shoulder
你摩托車的 後座 是我專屬的 情人座
The backseat of your motorcycle is a lover's seat just for me
I love listening to your heartbeat as I hold you from behind
說謝謝你愛我 比我愛你多更多
I want to thank you for loving me even more than I love you

Авторы: 方文良, 王建福

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