亦帆 - 老小孩 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 亦帆 - 老小孩

Old Child
He wears a very wrinkled shirt
That shirt's name is skin
被歲月刮的有一點粗 卻有感情累積的溫度
Scratched by time, it's a little rough, but it has the warmth of accumulated emotions
He wears a very old hat
Like a white cloud in the sky, or cotton candy
被時間染成銀色的霜 卻閃著無數智慧極光
Dyed silver by time, but it shimmers with countless wisdom auroras
他也許忘了自己的姓氏 忘了回家的地址
He may have forgotten his own last name, forgotten his home address
卻記得我小時候的樣子 記得什麼零食我愛吃
But he remembers what I looked like when I was a child, what snacks I loved to eat
Everyone has had a huge amount of youth
Don't be afraid to spend all of your youthful privileges
日曆帶走了過去 帶不走感情
The calendar takes away the past, but it can't take away your feelings
The old child is me and it's you
Who hasn't had a huge amount of past?
Blow out the candles and your age increases
光陰的列車前進 微笑去旅行
The train of time moves forward, smile and go on a journey
美好風景 折成紙飛機寄給心
Fold good scenery into paper airplanes and send them to your heart
His forehead has cracked into rivers
His ears hear the sound of the school bell
記憶的黑板留言很長 青春穿著校服在閃亮
The memories on the blackboard are very long, and youth shines in school uniforms
他也許漸漸緩慢了舉止 漸漸像幼稚孩子
He may have gradually slowed down his actions, gradually becoming like a naive child
卻曾經陪我倔強中奔馳 做我心中最強的戰士
But he once accompanied me in my stubbornness and was the strongest warrior in my heart
Everyone has had a huge amount of youth
Don't be afraid to spend all of your youthful privileges
日曆帶走了過去 帶不走感情
The calendar takes away the past, but it can't take away your feelings
The old child is me and it's you
Who hasn't had a huge amount of past?
Blow out the candles and your age increases
光陰的列車前進 微笑去旅行
The train of time moves forward, smile and go on a journey
美好風景 折成紙飛機寄給心
Fold good scenery into paper airplanes and send them to your heart
Giant waves of loneliness roll in his eyes
Often causing the sea to overflow with the past
只想有人陪有人作伴 搭乘舊時光去逛一逛
Just want someone to accompany him, to ride the old time and have a look around
Ride the old time and...

Авторы: Shi Fang, Wen Liang Fang (aka Wu Er Qi)

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