任賢齊 - 殺手鐧 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 任賢齊 - 殺手鐧

Murder Weapon
黑吃黑 天下烏鴉一般黑 鬼扮鬼臉 小人養小鬼
Like in the underworld, the world is gray. Devils in disguise, the devil's advocate.
諜對諜 多滴幾滴眼藥水 鱷魚眼淚 楚楚裝可憐
Espionage, just a few drops of crocodile tears, pitiful and convincing.
陰陽魔界 天高皇帝遠
In the supernatural realm, the heavens feel distant.
色戒魔戒 愛人最難戒
Temptation's hold, love's hardest habit to break.
美人太美 英雄會太累
Beauty too potent, too much for a hero to bear.
Entangled in self-inflicted destiny.
天誅地滅天殺的想念 殺手殺紅了雙眼
Heavenly wrath, murderous thoughts, the killer's eyes turn crimson.
趕盡殺絕殺不死懸念 殺光風景殺時間
Ruthless slaughter, an unending thirst, killing time, erasing beauty.
三頭六臂一手遮天 三十六計溜走為先
Three heads and six arms, controlling everything, thirty-six strategies, flight is the best.
七十二變讓子彈飛 天下無賊最賊的是老天
Seventy-two transformations, dodging bullets, the greatest thief under heaven is the heavens themselves.
蛇與蠍 狼狽為奸出老千 脣槍舌劍偷走了寶典
Snakes and scorpions, cheating together, stealing secrets.
花月夜 招蜂引蝶招惹誰 飄飄欲仙暗戀桃花源
Moonlight nights, tempting and alluring, lost in dreams of a paradise.
Time flies like an arrow, like the swords of the Butterfly.
Aging swordsmen of the江湖.
天誅地滅天殺的想念 殺手殺紅了雙眼
Heavenly wrath, murderous thoughts, the killer's eyes turn crimson.
趕盡殺絕殺不死懸念 殺光風景殺時間
Ruthless slaughter, an unending thirst, killing time, erasing beauty.
三頭六臂一手遮天 三十六計溜走為先
Three heads and six arms, controlling everything, thirty-six strategies, flight is the best.
七十二變讓子彈飛 天下無賊最賊的是老天
Seventy-two transformations, dodging bullets, the greatest thief under heaven is the heavens themselves.
老天有眼一 翻兩瞪眼 歲月殺人不 眨眼
Heaven's gaze, all-seeing, time kills without remorse.
人肉鹹鹹人命不值錢 命運殺出殺 手鐧
Human flesh is cheap, life is expendable, destiny wields the blade.
一劍一劍自己對決 一杯一杯自己乾杯
Sword against sword, self-confrontation, cup after cup, self-destruction.
一圈一圈自己作繭 一天一天用昨天殺明天
Circling, self-entrapment, using yesterday to kill tomorrow.

Авторы: Chen Mei

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