伍佰 - 天晴時刻 (Sunny Day) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 伍佰 - 天晴時刻 (Sunny Day)

天晴時刻 (Sunny Day)
Sunny Day
伍佰 天晴時刻
Wubai Sunny Day
我沒有工作 不能說什麼
I have no job, can't say anything
找尋的腳步 不能整理思緒太多
The steps of the search, can't organize too many thoughts
有時有線索 有時很遼闊
Sometimes there are clues, sometimes it's very vast
蟲把那樹上葉子 吃得坑坑洞洞
The worm has eaten the leaves on that tree
前面的叉路 選擇怎麼做
The fork in the road ahead, how to choose
迷離的氣氛 構成我的世界面容
A hazy atmosphere makes up my facial expression
或是將到達 或是差很多
Either I'm about to arrive, or I'm far off
車子將水濺 全身濕透
The car splashes water, soaking me through
很想要擁有 風景很快過
I really want to own it, the scenery passes quickly
抓住那剎那 常常可能徒勞無功
Catching that moment, often can be in vain
跨過了石頭 掉下了鳥窩
Stepping over a stone, knocking down a bird's nest
這時想逃開 所有人的注視瞳孔
At this time, I want to escape from everyone's watchful eyes
遇見的朋友 再見沒有說
Met friends, did not say goodbye
雨傘在街上 被風吹得花開朵朵
Umbrellas on the street, blown open by the wind
我所愛的人 欠你們很多
The person I love, I owe you a lot
I want to take you with me
天晴時刻 地上陰影更多
When the weather is good, the shadows on the ground are more
海水的清澈 可能暗潮洶湧
The clear water of the sea, may have dangerous currents
每次的邂逅 都是一個嶄新
Every encounter, is a new beginning
是不是應該 解釋些什麼
Should I explain something
失敗的權利 我想每一個人都有
The right to fail, I think everyone has it
成就的意義 對我很難懂
The meaning of achievement, is difficult for me to understand
時間的答案 最後給的完全不同
The answer of time, in the end gives completely different
我所愛的人 欠你們太多
The person I love, I owe you too much
Will you go with me
天晴時刻 地上陰影更多
When the weather is good, the shadows on the ground are more
海水的清澈 可能暗潮洶湧
The clear water of the sea, may have dangerous currents
每次的邂逅 都是一個嶄新
Every encounter, is a new beginning

Авторы: 伍佰

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