余文樂 - 快疯了 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 余文樂 - 快疯了

Going Crazy
My father's hopes and dreams aren't mine
My mother's nagging only makes me fear her disappointment
弟弟还幼稚 把我当成好榜样
My younger brother is naive and sees me as a role model
没用的成绩 累积多了会惆怅
Useless grades, piling up, will only lead to sadness
我真的快疯了 我不能压抑了
I'm really going crazy, I can't hold it in anymore
别逼我骂脏话 快放我出去吧
Don't push me to curse, let me out
我真的快疯了 我不能压抑了
I'm really going crazy, I can't hold it in anymore
别逼我骂脏话 快放我出去吧
Don't push me to curse, let me out
咯嗉 咯嗉 快放我出去吧
Oh gosh, oh gosh, let me out
好说 好说 我真的快疯了
Sure, sure, I'm really going crazy
咯嗉 咯嗉 快放我出去吧
Oh gosh, oh gosh, let me out
好说 好说 好吧 好吧
Sure, sure, okay, okay
隔壁家的孩子 家里有钱好方便
The kid next door has it easy with his rich family
看不顺他炫耀 只因我没钱
I can't stand his bragging, just because I have no money
隔壁村的穷人 嫌他低俗没远见
The poor guy in the next village, they call him vulgar and unambitious
若能跟他一样 我会少很多杂念
If I could be like him, I'd have fewer worries
我真的快疯了 我不能压抑了
I'm really going crazy, I can't hold it in anymore
别逼我骂脏话 快放我出去吧
Don't push me to curse, let me out
我真的快疯了 我不能压抑了
I'm really going crazy, I can't hold it in anymore
别逼我骂脏话 快放我出去吧
Don't push me to curse, let me out
咯嗉 咯嗉 快放我出去吧
Oh gosh, oh gosh, let me out
好说 好说 我真的快疯了
Sure, sure, I'm really going crazy
咯嗉 咯嗉 快放我出去吧
Oh gosh, oh gosh, let me out
好说 好说 好吧 好吧
Sure, sure, okay, okay
Those who return from overseas are all precious, baby, baby
Those who work hard in silence are all grass, grass, grass
All day long, I hear about how good others are, good, good
轮到我说话 全都跑跑光
When it's my turn to speak, everyone runs away
这不是你的错 也不是我的错
It's not your fault, it's not my fault
更不是他的错 他又不认识我
It's not his fault either, he doesn't even know me
我真的快疯了 我不能压抑了
I'm really going crazy, I can't hold it in anymore
别逼我骂脏话 快放我出去吧
Don't push me to curse, let me out
我真的快疯了 我不能压抑了
I'm really going crazy, I can't hold it in anymore
别逼我骂脏话 快放我出去吧
Don't push me to curse, let me out
我真的快疯了 我不能压抑了
I'm really going crazy, I can't hold it in anymore
别逼我骂脏话 快放我出去吧
Don't push me to curse, let me out
我真的快疯了 我不能压抑了
I'm really going crazy, I can't hold it in anymore
别逼我骂脏话 快放我出去吧
Don't push me to curse, let me out

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