八三夭 - 无诚勿爱 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 八三夭 - 无诚勿爱

Sincerity Is Priceless
一個人的晚餐 難消化的孤單
Dining alone, loneliness hard to digest
ㄧ千人按了讚 沒個擁抱精彩
A thousand likes, no hug to impress
ㄧ萬句小情歌 唱不起一次感情的聚散
Ten thousand love songs, can't sing about a breakup
Love, companionship, and compatibility are hard to come by
這個他在等等 那個他在看看
This one's waiting, that one's observing
上個他的災難 想到了心還酸
Thinking about the disaster with the last one still hurts
很簡單也困難 勇敢放縱問自己
It's both simple and difficult, dare to let go and ask yourself
就一句 喜歡還是不喜歡
Just one sentence: Do you love me or not?
願愛願挨的擂台 衛冕失敗都掛彩
On the stage of love and pain, everyone gets hurt after losing
不盼不戴金腰帶 平凡享受現在
No need to look for a gold medal, just enjoy the present
一次兩次的戰敗 想不開的是笨蛋
After one or two defeats, only a fool would brood
Youth is an unavoidable boxing match
無誠勿愛愛愛 別來亂亂亂
Sincerity Is Priceless, don't mess around
愛上別唉唉唉 別嫌煩煩煩
Fall in love, don't complain
愛是惡性循環 離合又悲歡
Love is a vicious cycle, parting and reuniting brings joy and sorrow
失戀並不失敗 失敗是失去愛的能耐
A breakup is not a failure, failure is losing the ability to love
愛的痛 痛快愛 眼淚帶走遺憾
The pain of love is a quick pain, tears wash away regrets
像鑽石的勇敢 切割後更璀璨
Like the courage of a diamond, we shine brighter after being cut
你或他 女或男 等你誠實衝自己
You or him, woman or man, waiting for you to be honest with yourself
那一句 我喜歡就是喜歡
That sentence: I love you, I just do
爾虞我愛的賭盤 賭注把把都Showhand
The gambling of love, always showing our hand
誠心誠意的攤牌 或許就是王牌
Showing our heart and soul, revealing our true selves
就算輸掉了情感 贏回回憶也浪漫
Even if we lose our love, we gain memories, and that's romantic
Youth is like a wild party that we can't resist
無誠勿愛愛愛 別來亂亂亂
Sincerity Is Priceless, don't mess around
愛上別唉唉唉 別嫌煩煩煩
Fall in love, don't complain
愛是惡性循環 離合又悲歡
Love is a vicious cycle, parting and reuniting brings joy and sorrow
失戀並不失敗 失敗是失去愛的能耐
A breakup is not a failure, failure is losing the ability to love
他若是太乖乖乖 嫌呆呆呆
If he's too good, you'll find him boring
太壞壞壞 想掰掰掰
If he's too bad, you'll want to break up
人總是愛極必反 分後傷感 擺不平的攤就擺爛
We always love too much and hate too much, and after a breakup, we can't let go
無誠勿愛愛愛 別來亂亂亂
Sincerity Is Priceless, don't mess around
愛上別唉唉唉 別嫌煩煩煩
Fall in love, don't complain
愛是惡性循環 我照樣期待
Love is a vicious cycle, I still look forward to it
比失戀更失敗 是心動不怦然
Greater than the failure of a breakup is a heart that doesn't beat
比心碎更心酸 是心死不復燃
Greater than the pain of heartbreak is a heart that doesn't burn
比混蛋更混蛋 是一輩子只自怨自艾
Greater than being an asshole is spending your whole life feeling sorry for yourself

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