八三夭 - 外婆的告別式 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 八三夭 - 外婆的告別式

My Grandma's Funeral
小巨蛋前一星期 放下一切 堅持要去見你
A week before the Big Dome, I dropped everything and insisted on seeing you.
十年拼到了這裡 卻少了你 像遺憾的勝利
I had struggled for ten years to get here, but without you, it felt like a hollow victory.
還想再陪你打牌 陪你追劇 陪你再談談心
I still wanted to play cards with you, watch dramas with you, and talk to you again.
眼角不爭氣的淚 是否因為 太多的不甘心?
The tears in my eyes fought back, were they from too much regret?
我一天一天 想你的臉 但思念的話 怎會說不出口?
Day after day, I thought of your face, but how could I bring myself to say how much I missed you?
為闖我的一片天 甘願來離開 做流浪的星
To forge my own path, I willingly left and became a wandering star.
想你煮 最家常的料理 此刻我 不再挑食挑剔
I miss your home-cooked meals the most; now, I'm no longer picky about food.
想你偷 塞零用錢給我 就算 心裡 會難為情
I miss you secretly giving me pocket money, even though you felt embarrassed.
想你替 我跟老媽求情 像小時 每次做錯事情
I miss you interceding with my mother for me, like you always did when I got into trouble.
想你 想說一句「我愛你」 這次 不會 只放心底
I miss you, I want to say "I love you." This time, I won't keep it to myself.
站上巨蛋的我啊 是否已經 真正證明自己?
Standing on the Big Dome's stage, have I truly proven myself?
掌聲多光鮮亮麗 卻少了你 給我一句肯定
The applause was dazzling, but without you, there was no one to give me affirmation.
當全世界不相信 總還有你 要我勇敢前行
When the world doubted me, you were always there, urging me to press on.
如果被夢想遺棄 疲憊的我 還能回到哪去?
If I'm abandoned by my dreams, where can I go, exhausted and lost?
我一天一天 想你的臉 但思念的話 怎會說不出口?
Day after day, I thought of your face, but how could I bring myself to say how much I missed you?
為闖我的一片天 甘願來離開 愛暝夢 的過一生
To forge my own path, I willingly left and embraced a life of dreams and aspirations.
我一天一天 想你的臉 怎會一次一次 眼淚落不停?
Day after day, I thought of your face; how could I stop the endless tears?
沒你在的天邊 永遠我都是 流浪的流星
Without you in the sky, I'm forever a wandering meteor.
沒你在我身邊 永遠我都是 孤單的孤兒
Without you by my side, I'm always a lonely orphan.
想你牽 逛公園滑溜梯 我不會 再耍賴要玩具
I miss you taking me to the park to play on the slide; I won't act spoiled and ask for toys anymore.
想你說 老故事舊回憶 這次 我會 仔細聆聽
I miss you telling me old stories and sharing memories; this time, I'll listen attentively.
想你在 全家一起旅行 更珍惜 拍更多的合影
I miss you on family vacations; I'll cherish them more and take more pictures.
想你 想說一句「對不起」 這次 不會 後悔莫及
I miss you, I want to say "I'm sorry." This time, I won't regret it.
站在病床邊 緊握你的手心 該怎麼壓抑 心碎眼淚情緒
Standing by your bedside, holding your hand, how can I suppress my heartbreak and tears?
回不去每次 微笑別離場景 你說 等我 再來看你
I can't go back to those times when we smiled and said goodbye; you told me to wait until I came to see you again.
能不能 下輩子再相遇 再做你乖孫 把你抱緊
Can we meet again in the next life? Let me be your good grandson again and hold you tight.
那時 我會說聲「謝謝你」 這次 我會 用盡全力
Then, I'll say "Thank you." This time, I'll give it my all.

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