八三夭 - 鋼鐵人 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 八三夭 - 鋼鐵人

Iron Man
火紅的 鐵軀殼 裡面是 誰靈魂
In a fiery iron shell, whose spirit resides?
何時開始 幻想我 強壯一如鋼鐵人
When did I start to dream of being strong like Iron Man?
是電影 強化了 現實中的無能
Is it the movies that amplify my real-life inadequacies?
我只能夠 寫出卑微的心聲
I can only pen down my humble thoughts.
不做英雄 也想做 勇敢做夢的凡人
Not a hero, but an ordinary dreamer with courage.
唱到鐵甲 都破損 我也想竭盡所能
Even if my iron armor is damaged, I'll strive to give my all,
讓幸福 在你腳邊生根
So that happiness can take root by your side.
我們都 深陷在 平凡人生
We are all trapped in mediocrity,
卻渴望 別如此 終其一生
Yet we yearn to break free, to live our lives differently.
去奉獻 去沸騰 讓此生 有更壯烈的可能
To dedicate ourselves, to burn with passion, and live with greater purpose.
像鋼鐵 千錘和百煉 才能
Like steel, forged and tempered countless times,
換一秒 戰場上 入死出生
To earn a moment's respite on the battlefield.
鐵了心 鐵定要 鍛鍊成 堅持如鋼鐵的凡人
With an ironclad resolve, I will forge myself into an ordinary person with the strength of steel.
沒有人 能永生 但信念 能永存
No one can live forever, but our beliefs can endure.
一把吉他 有時候 威力勝過槍和盾
A guitar can sometimes be more powerful than a gun or a shield.
這首歌 要證明 你和我的永恆
This song is a testament to your and my eternity.
與其生鏽 不如壯烈的犧牲
Better to die a glorious death than to rust away.
不是鐵人 是肉身 才能痊癒那傷痕
Not a machine, but a mortal, capable of healing those wounds.
不怕流血 不怕疼 只怕活得不繽紛
Unafraid to bleed, unafraid of pain, but terrified of living a dull life.
這人生 沒有續集可能
There are no second chances in this life.
我們都 深陷在 平凡人生
We are all trapped in mediocrity,
卻渴望 別如此 終其一生
Yet we yearn to break free, to live our lives differently.
去奉獻 去沸騰 讓此生 有更壯烈的可能
To dedicate ourselves, to burn with passion, and live with greater purpose.
像鋼鐵 千錘和百煉 才能
Like steel, forged and tempered countless times,
換一秒 戰場上 入死出生
To earn a moment's respite on the battlefield.
鐵了心 鐵定要 鍛鍊成 堅持如鋼鐵的凡人
With an ironclad resolve, I will forge myself into an ordinary person with the strength of steel.
不是鐵人 是肉身 才能痊癒那傷痕
Not a machine, but a mortal, capable of healing those wounds.
不怕流血 不怕疼 只怕活得不繽紛
Unafraid to bleed, unafraid of pain, but terrified of living a dull life.
這人生 沒有續集可能
There are no second chances in this life.
是不是 受夠了 忍氣吞聲
Are you tired of holding your tongue?
能不能 改寫這 乏味劇本
Can we rewrite this bland script?
我會說 我了解 你的心 等待著脫離安穩
I know how you feel, waiting to break free from your comfort zone.
沒有人 真的是 鋼鐵超人
No one is truly a superhero,
但我們 有機會 做回我們
But we have the power to be ourselves again.
才了解 最偉大 原來是 堅持如鋼鐵的凡人
Only then will we understand that the greatest strength lies in ordinary people with the strength of steel.
去改變 去抗爭 變身為 有鋼鐵夢想的凡人
To change, to fight, to become ordinary people with dreams of steel.
火紅的 鐵軀殼 裡面是 誰靈魂
In a fiery iron shell, whose spirit resides?
那是你我 一直期待的人生
It is the life you and I have always yearned for.

Авторы: 八三夭 阿璞 831up

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