劉浩龍 - 走 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 劉浩龍 - 走

蟋蟀有足 知更有翼
Crickets have legs, they also have wings
望著大城內有你 總是有淚
Looking at you in the big city, I always cry
相依幾多借口 錯了也相信總有誰補救
Depending on how many excuses, wrong or right, I always believe someone will make up for it
漸漸皺眉頭 無聊無常亦接受
Gradually frowning, accepting boredom and impermanence
用盡力量也不夠 為何人們仍然願意留守
Using all my strength is not enough, why are people still willing to stay
天空海闊有出口 太抑壓要逃走
Go, the sky and sea are wide open, there is an exit, too much pressure to escape
將心鎖上也會生鏽 世界已騙你太久
Locking your heart will also rust, the world has been lying to you for too long
無人可擁有 唯有不用愁
No one can have it, only no need to worry
前事放身後 向著快樂繼續走
Leave the past behind, and continue to walk towards happiness
哀哭有生 歡呼有命
There is life in mourning, there is fate in cheering
為著大城內有你 生命有夢
Because of you in the big city, life has dreams
當初幾多顫抖 過了會希冀不與誰爭鬥
How much trembling at the beginning, after passing, I will hope not to fight with anyone
望望這地球 無聊無常亦接受
Looking at this earth, accepting boredom and impermanence
用盡力量也不夠 為何人們仍然願意留守
Using all my strength is not enough, why are people still willing to stay
天空海闊有出口 太抑壓要逃走
Go, the sky and sea are wide open, there is an exit, too much pressure to escape
將心鎖上也會生鏽 世界已騙你太久
Locking your heart will also rust, the world has been lying to you for too long
無人可擁有 唯有不用愁
No one can have it, only no need to worry
前事放身後 向著快樂繼續走
Leave the past behind, and continue to walk towards happiness
打開生鏽嘅鎖 釋放痛楚 解開心中一切封鎖
Open the rusty lock, release the pain, and unlock all the blockades in my heart
甘心被過去折磨 開過花唔代表一定會結果
Willing to be tortured by the past, blossoming does not mean that it will bear fruit
愛過痛過笑過喊過 對與錯剎那花火
Loved, hurt, laughed, cried, right or wrong, instant fireworks
回憶只係枷鎖 過咗去就當上咗一課
Memories are just shackles, after passing, it's like taking a lesson
拎得起 放得低 何必苦苦執迷
Pick it up and put it down, why bother to persist
就算一直放不低 但要走嘅始終留不低
Even if you can't let go, what's going to go will always leave
Since the oath has passed away with the wind
無謂任由過去指揮 不如期待更美好嘅下一位
It's useless to let the past dictate, it's better to look forward to a better next one
係時候放手 係時候放自己走
It's time to let go, it's time to let yourself go
係時候放開所有 係時候走向自由
It's time to let go of everything, it's time to walk to freedom
哪個說愛會永久 前程可錦繡
Who said that love will last forever, and the future can be锦绣
唯有不內疚 前事放身後 吻過我便繼續走
Only without guilt, leave the past behind, kiss me and continue to leave
要自由 要自由
Freedom, Freedom

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