劉美君 - 色香味 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 劉美君 - 色香味

Color, Aroma and Taste
火车的平台 四处看找不到你在
I look around the train platform, but I can't find you anywhere.
The clock tower says it's only 7:30.
我笑我原来 渴盼你重来抱我
I laugh, I was so eager for you to come back and hug me.
Even time is wrong with happiness.
你的气味 彷似咖啡香升起
Your scent, like the aroma of coffee rising.
提前赴约前来伴我 来等你
You came early to keep me company, to wait for you.
就算得三天两夜 亦只想对着你
Even if it takes three days and two nights, I just want to face you.
I'd rather hide in a small town house.
世界的千娇百媚 绝比不上爱味
The world's beauty and charm are nothing compared to the taste of love.
Sweetness fills our loving home.
关起窗和门 你我吻得死去活来
Close the windows and doors, we kiss until we die.
Like two hearts in love for the first time.
我去煮点野菜 你会从后来抱我
I'll go cook some vegetables, you'll come from behind and hug me.
We'll intertwine, two becoming one.
爱的气味 彷似菜香简单美
The scent of love, like the simple beauty of vegetable fragrance.
旁人路过若迷着了 才不理
If passersby get lost in it, we won't mind.
就算得三天两夜 亦只想对着你
Even if it takes three days and two nights, I just want to face you.
I'd rather hide in a small town house.
世界的千娇百媚 绝比不上爱味
The world's beauty and charm are nothing compared to the taste of love.
Sweetness fills our loving home.
珍惜一分一秒 一分一秒 全是味
Cherish every second, every second is full of flavor.
余味也叫你快乐 叫我快乐 再飘起
The aftertaste makes you happy, makes me happy, it keeps floating.
The path of love we walk tomorrow, though rugged.
被你珍惜过 被我珍惜过
Cherished by you, cherished by me.
Until the moment of death, we can remember.
就算得三天两夜 亦只想对着你
Even if it takes three days and two nights, I just want to face you.
I'd rather hide in a small town house.
世界的千娇百媚 难及这刻爱味
The world's beauty and charm can't compare to the taste of love at this moment.
Sweetness fills our loving home.
就算得三天两夜 留住了色香味
Even if it takes three days and two nights, we've captured color, aroma and taste.
I'd rather hide in a small town house.
世界的千娇百媚 绝比不上爱味
The world's beauty and charm are nothing compared to the taste of love.
Sweetness fills our loving home.

Авторы: Cousin Fung, Li Mao Zhou

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