Yoshino Nanjo - OTO - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Yoshino Nanjo - OTO

星屑を 纏ったビルかき分け
Parting skyscraper clad in stardust,
I devoured the limited 'now'.
気づいたら 此処までたどり着いていた
Before I knew it, I had come this far.
「泣かなくて えらいね」って褒められた
They praised me, "Aren't you great for not crying?"
「ひとりでも 君なら大丈夫」
"You can do it on your own if it's you."
なんとなく 私もそんな気がしてた
For some reason, I also felt that way.
浮腫んだ闇が 胸をザワつかせる
My heart throbs with a swollen darkness.
早く 明けてよ
Please hurry and rise,
不意に あの人のことが浮かぶ
I suddenly thought of that person.
優しい音 あなたの音
A gentle sound, your sound.
My heart melts away.
強くいなきゃ 強くいなきゃ
I have to be strong. I have to be strong,
抵抗してみるけど 息が止まりそうだ
But when I resist, I feel like my breath is going to stop.
過去なんて 未来次第で変わる
The past can change depending on the future,
罪なんて 美談にさえ成る
Guilt can even become a heroic tale.
不確かな この瞬間の価値を知る
I learn the value of this uncertain moment.
夢を描いた あの小さな部屋
That small room where we dreamed dreams,
今は 駐車場らしい
I hear it's a parking lot now.
不意に あなたも消えそうになる
All of a sudden, I feel like you're going to disappear, too.
切ない音 確かな音
A sad sound, a certain sound.
My dream is teetering.
泣いちゃダメだ 泣いちゃダメだ
I mustn't cry. I mustn't cry,
だけどあなたの前じゃ 制御ができないんだ
But in front of you, I can't control myself.
ずっと抑えていた 幼いわたしが
The little girl I've been holding back all this time,
そのリズムに 合わせて無邪気に歌うの
Now sings innocently to that rhythm.
優しい音 あなたの音
A gentle sound, your sound.
My heart melts away.
強くいなきゃ 強くいなきゃ
I have to be strong. I have to be strong,
抵抗してみるけど... あぁ...
But when I resist... ah...
消えない 確かな音
It won't go away, the certain sound.
My dream is teetering.
泣いちゃダメだ 泣いちゃダメだ
I mustn't cry. I mustn't cry,
だけどあなたの前じゃ... あぁ...
But in front of you... ah...
一粒おちた 心が止まらない
A single tear falls, and my heart won't stop.
I can't control myself.

Авторы: Michiru

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